Wadey Wilson or aka Deadpool is a Marvel Comics supervillain, and one of the versions of Deadpool, and being part of Earth 1610, he hunted and killed mutants and showed off his crimes on live television.
Wadey Wilson joined the United States Marine Corps, he achieved the rank of sargeant and fought in Wakanda Wars. And in the early 1990's, Wilson survived a near-death experience and soon after assumed the cloak of Deadpool. Shortly thereafter Deadpool became an anti-mutant supremacist who believed they were animals. And that they should be killed on live television. Although he was a mutant too, Deadpool would later be hired by the Genoshan government to hunt Reavers-led mutants.
Then when he and the Reavers kidnap the X-Men and Spider Man because he paid a visit to X-mansion at the time. And Deadpool prevents his men from removing Spider Man's mask, possibly out of respect. Then he takes them to Genosha Island, and Deadpool and his Reavers begin hunting them on live television for sport, and to the delight of anti-mutant viewers around the world. And forced to flee the Reavers, the X-Men and Spider Man manage to unmask Deadpool, using their senses to see in the holographic part, and after being unmasked and to the shock of the X-Men, who left Deadpool in a fit of rage. In the fight Deadpool is defeated by Kitty Pryde when she passes him and sabotages his circuits. Although she believed he was dead. However Deadpool is shown at the end of the story that he survived. He was later part of a group called the Evil Dead Corps which was a group created to kill the 616 Earth Deadpool, he wqas killed by the main Deadpool and stabbed in the chest with a sword.
Spider Man: Shattered Dimensions[]
Deadpool appears in the video game Spider Man: Shattered Dimensions, and his personality is more in line with that of his Earth 616 counterpart, though still badly, he shown a more comical side than the cruel and sadistic monster in the comic. Deadpool made Spider Man fight on his TV show and made him fight the Fan Clube, he defeated them including Deadpool and returned the tablet to Madam Web.
This Deadpool was sadistic, cruel, psychopathic and evil who liked to kill his victims in despair before killing them, he for some undisclosed reason seemed to have a hatred for mutants, as he himself killed them on television.
- Deadpool is similar to the evil version of Deadpool kill the Marvel universe, as both are evil version of Deadpool and both are Complete Monsters/Pure Evil.