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Antagonists Wiki
Darla Dimple
Background information
Feature films Cats Don't Dance
Television programs
Video games
Park attractions
Voice Ashley Peldon
Lindsay Ridgeway (singing)
Performance model
Inspiration Shirley Temple
Character information
Other names Darla
Miss Dimple
Personality According to everyone (except Danny and Sawyer):
Sweet, nice, cute, kind
In real life:
Evil, cruel, spoiled, greedy, selfish, mad, angry, arrogant, rude, bratty, impolite, ruthless, cranky, demanding, whiny, psychotic, idiotic, self-centered, insane, hateful, hot-tempered, violent, argumentative, impatient, nasty, loud-mouthed
Appearance Small, slightly obese, blonde hair, blue eyes, hot pink hair bow and pink dress
Occupation Actress (formerly)
Janitor (currently)
Affiliations Bad
Goal Remain the most popular performer around at any cost (failed)
Home Her house
Friends Max, L.B. Mammoth (briefly), Flanigan (formerly)
Enemies Danny, Sawyer, T.W., Pudge, Cranston, Frances, Tillie, Woolie, Flanigan, L.B. Mammoth
Minions Max
Likes Herself, being the star, winning, success, Max
Dislikes Mistakes, failure, Danny, Sawyer, animals, children
Powers and abilities Acting
Fate Gets demoted to a janitor

"I...hate...ANIMALS! Especially that one!" - Darla about Danny

Darlene "Darla" Dimple is the main antagonist of the 1997 comedy-musical, Cats Don't Dance. She is the arch-enemy of Danny and Sawyer and the boss of Max. She is voiced by Ashley Peldon, with Lindsay Ridgeway doing her singing voice.

Role in the Film[]

Darla Dimple is an extremely successful child actress that has appeared as the lead in many films made by Warner Brothers Pictures. As a result of having every whim catered to and being credited as the reason for the studio's success, she has become spoiled, greedy and selfish, with a ruthless streak she keeps hidden behind a public persona of a sweet and adorable child.

After Danny, an orange tabby hired to portray one of the background animals, causes a disruption on the set, she sends Max, her behemoth of a butler, to intimidate him into staying within the role he was assigned. Later, she meets with Danny and gives him advice seemingly to help him, but with the real intent of hurting his career.

Danny, being very ambitious and optimistic, takes her advice to heart and organizes a group of animal actors so they can audition for larger roles. Darla and Max flood the stage to prevent them from jeopardizing her position and all of the animals are fired as it appears they caused the damage.

Discouraged, Danny heads home, but comes up with a new plan for a second chance at auditioning. He gathers the animals together again at the premiere of Darla's film, Li'l Ark Angel, and puts on a musical performance. Angered by his return, Darla tries to sabotage their act, but as each effort fails and improves their performances, she gets more and more frustrated and angry. This leads her to set off an enormous fireworks display that blows the roof off the theater. She claws her way through the rubble, enraged and angrily stating that she should have gotten rid of all of them when she flooded the stage.

When her voice begins echoing through the theater from a nearby active boom mike, she's shocked into silence as she realizes that not only has she just confessed to the studio executives and everyone in the audience, but they've also seen her true nature. Darla is arrested and sentenced to six years in juvenile hall with 14 hours of community service. In the final scene of the movie, she puts up a "The End" poster on the wall, but it falls down and wraps around her.


  • Darla's physical appearance is based off of Shirley Temple as both have curly hair and are singing child actresses. But unlike Shirley who is sweet and nice, Darla is evil and greedy.
  • She also looks like the super villain baby doll.
  • When Darla is in her sweet and loving persona, her hair bow is normal; however whenever she loses her temper or begins scheming her bow becomes pointed and gives her the appearance of devilish horns.
  • Darla is sometimes believed to be the secondary antagonist of the film which this is false, as Darla Dimple is the one who drives the plot of the film.