Darkonda is an evil bounty hunter who worked for the United Alliance of Evil, he was the most evil and powerful general of both Astronema and Dark Specter, and one of the two secondary antagonist along with Ecliptor in the Power Rangers In Space.
Darkonda was responsible for hundreds of wars that took place, murders and crimes over the entire universe, as time passed, he soon compiled a great deal of knowledge throughout the universe and gained many connections throughout the galactic underworld. Shortly after 13 years before the series, Darkonda captured Andros's colony, KO-35, and also triggered on Barillian Bugs, because of this would lead to evacuation of the colony. After many missing settlers, Darkonda then plundered everything that people had left behind. He also in the past had a rivalry with Ecliptor.
Power Rangers In Space[]
Later, Darkonda joined forces with Astronema and gained a place in his troops as his second commands along with Ecliptor. However, Darkonda planned to actually her and the Dark Specter later and take control of the Dark Fortless. Darkonda then used Astronema information to join the Rangers, although the Ecliptor knew about it, he was quiet later when Darkonda threatened to tell Astronema and who she really was. Darkonda soon planned to infect the Rangers with a Barilian Bug, but that plan failed. Later when Astronema was reprogrammed to be evil thanks to the Darkonda that counted for he eventually returned to the United Alliance of Evil to attack the universe, he teamed up with Astronema's force and attacked Earth. When he discovered able to destroy Earth, he soon used the missile against Dark Specter in an attempt to destroy it and become the Grand Monarch of Evil, however Dark Specter was able to resist until its destruction and swallowed the Darkonda already that this was the last life of Darkonda being thus killing him.
Darkonda is brutal sadistic and cruel, greedy, arrogant, treacherous and obstinate, he likes to play mind games with his adversary, be it Andros insulting him about his sister's kidnapping and mocking him for not knowing that his brother still alive. He also treats Ecliptor with a bit of contemp by seeing hin weak because of his concern with Astronema. Darkonda also shows a certain deference to the powerful Dark Specter, wishing to usurp his throne, however his ambitions were his defeat in the end because he tries to take the power of
Powers and Abilities[]
Darkonda can teleport great distances and distort space, and by spreading his telescoping sword, making monsters grow and even absorbing other beings, Darkonda gains his abilities by keeping them dormant within him, Darkonda has also countless lives that are mine in total, he lost seven of his lives to the Mega Voyager and once to Zhane and again in one of his traps, and two to the Ecliptor, and once to the Galactic Rover and the last time to the Dark Specter, his power of nine lives was thanks to Dark Specter.
- Darkonda's personality is similar to that of his counterpart Super Sentai, Denji Sentai Megaranger who is the Guirail.
- Darkonda is certainly the first Complete Monster/Pure Evil to appear in the Power Rangers series, the others being Deviot, Queen Bansheera, Venomark, Master Org, Ancient Master Org, Viktor Adler, Mandilok, Lothor, Vexacus, Mesogog, Emperor Gruumm, Wootox, Mirloc, Sculpin, Octomus the Master, Kamdor, Grizzaka, Dai Shi, Venjix, Serrator, Vrak, Lord Arcanon, Singe, Rita Repulsa and Lord Drakkon respectively.