Darius is a major antagonist in Season 2 of the Disney Channel animated series, The Owl House.
He is the leader of the Abomination Coven who reports under Emperor Belos.
Darius, as Head Witch of the Abomination Coven, is an integral part to Emperor Belos' Day of Unity and is tasked with inducting members into the Abomination Coven. He is present when Raine Whispers is inducted as the new Bard Coven Head, though he has the cameraman cut the feed when an embarrassed Raine flees the stage. However, once it is revealed that there is a turncoat amongst the Coven Heads, both Darius and Eberwolf set up a trap and successfully capture three of the five BATs.
However, Eberwolf is unable to smell out the leader's scent from the captured BATs, forcing the two Head Witches to continue their search. Much to Darius' dismay, the search gets much dirtier when a pair of boots kick some mud on him. As his patience grows thin, Dairus uses his magic to transform into an abomination-like form as he continues his hunt for the turncoat while Eberwolf assumes a more beastial form and summons a ratworm. At first, they get stopped by the decaying effects of Raine's bard magic and Eda's curse, but after Raine stops Eda from continuing their duet, the two Head Witches manage to capture the turncoat for treachery and ruining Darius' cloak. Unfortunately for Darius, not only is his cloak ruined, but Eberwolf sets the volume of their Penstagram to maximum just to annoy their colleague. While the two are distracted, Raine escapes, but gets captured yet again by Kikimora and the Abomiton 2.0. Dairus expresses his disapproval of Abomitons in general and tells Kikimora to tell Alador Blight that "he's a hack."
Darius is a tall, muscular man with dark brown skin, bright green eyes, and purple hair. He has an amorphous hair bun with an abomination's eye, and similarly amorphous sideburns and a goatee. Using abomination magic, Darius can change his form to become a large abomination with multiple eyes all over his body.
He wears a dark purple chest plate with a gold collar and pointed shoulders, light purple pants, white mid-length gloves, and white-heeled boots with purple toes. He also wears a pink side cape.
Darius is very rude, egotistical and thinks highly of himself. He also doesn't like to get dirty and easily gets annoyed with other people's incompetency. As leader of the Abomination Coven he views his way of using Abominations to be superior while he views other people's use of them as inferior like Alador using Abomatons. However, he is also very loyal and dedicated to Emperor Belos and would do anything to help him start the Day of Unity. Or so it seems.
Ironically, despite using a school of magic designed to create and manipulate slime, he is obsessed with cleanliness.