Antagonists Wiki
Antagonists Wiki

Dante the Immortal the main antagonist that appears in Violence Jack: Hell's Wind. He is the leader of a cruelest gang of bikers known as Hell's Wind. He also has two thugs as cruel as he, who are Gokumon and Guro the Drifter whose name has been renamed Joker for the anime adaptation.


Dante wears a leather biker outfit, he has bandages that are wrapped around his face, possibly due to an injured he sustained.


Dante is a cruel mentor, he is a sadist, he likes to see people suffer, he is not so different from his two goons Gokumon and Guro the Drifter. He and his gang commit acts of raping women, multiple murders of people, torture and the destruction villages and without even showing a sign of remorse or emotion. Although he is not seen doing evil at least in the anime, in addition to ordering his driver subordinates to do the most heinous deeds possible, although he also does not care about his own subordinates when he orders one of his drivers to become a suicide bomber to kill Jack. And in the end, Dante is also shown to be a coward when he runs away from Jack, who kills him by crushing to skull. Although in the anime adaptation it is revealed that Dante and his gang work for the Slum King.
