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How could you let the galaxy fall to this unworthy machine of an Empire? You think yourself a survivor but you are a failure! Within the Abyss the Empire cannot reach us. I will forge these raiders into an elite army led by disciples trained in the Force at my temple. Then when the time is right I will strike out and cleanse this galaxy with fire.
~ Gera revealing his plans for Tanalorr.
~ Dagan's last words before being shot by Bode Akuna and receiving the killing blow from Cal Kestis.

Dagan Gera is the main, later secondary antagonist of the 2023 action-adventure science fantasy video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

He was a Jedi Knight of the High Republic era who betrayed his order after being denied access to the planet Tanalorr, which he considered his paradise. Gera was defeated and placed in stasis b

y his best friend, Jedi Master Santari Khri, but is released centuries later during the Imperial era by the unwitting Jedi Knight Cal Kestis. Now a fully-fledged Dark Jedi, he re-joined with the Bedlam Raiders and attempted to return to Tanalorr to build a new Jedi Order under his command that overthrows the Empire.

He was portrayed by Cody Fern, who also played Michael Langdon in American Horror Story: Apocalypse and Valiant Thor in American Horror Story: Double Feature.


Jedi of the High Republic[]

Dagan Gera was a Force-sensitive individual born during the High Republic era on an unknown planet. Due to his Force-sensitivity, he was inducted into the Jedi Order at a young age and raised in the Jedi Grand Temple on the Republic's ecumenopolis capital planet of Coruscant. The Jedi were a peace-keeping religious order that protected the people of the galaxy by wielding the supernatural abilities of the light side of the Force. Growing up, Gera was trained to hone his connection to the Force and adhere to the tenets of the light side.

Like all Jedi, he constructed a lightsaber for himself and trained in its use in order to better protect himself and the people of the galaxy. Like most Jedi, he eventually passed the Jedi Trials and became a fully-fledged Jedi Knight. Formidable in both lightsaber combat and the use of the Force, Dagan Gera earned himself an esteemed reputation. The Jedi journeyed across the Galactic Frontier and built outposts to expand their reach, as the High Republic was an era of exploration for the Republic and its new territories required protection. Gera was one such Jedi who explored the frontier of the galaxy.

Hidden Paradise[]

At some point, Dagan Gera met and befriended a Jedi Master named Santari Khri. Khri was a scientist rather than a warrior, yet despite their differences, the two of them grew exceptionally close. Khri was a part of an extensive Republic team based on the frontier planet Koboh that was researching an odd form of matter unique to the planet they dubbed "Koboh matter." During their time on the planet, Dagan bested a Gen'Dai named Rayvis.

A number of facilities were built with the objective of studying, and potentially harnessing, Koboh matter. The first and largest facility was constructed on Koboh's moon, where Khri and her scientists discovered a way to dispel the matter using particle beams. Khri had also had several meditation chambers built throughout the Koboh mountains where Jedi staying on the planet could hone themselves.

Attack on Tanalorr[]

By 232 BBY, the Republic was being plagued by a powerful frontier-based marauder faction called the Nihil that had technology that allowed their ships to travel through hyperspace in unique ways. Around that time, the jedi outpost temple on Tanalorr finished construction. Gera decided that he wished to train Jedi Initiates on the planet, as he believed that the Jedi temple on Tanalorr could be a bastion for the Jedi on the Galactic Frontier. He revealed his intention to Santari Khri, who agreed with his plan. Gera subsequently sent a formal decree to the Jedi High Council seeking permission to train Initiates on the planet.

Members of the council, including Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis, visited the temple on Tanalorr and deliberated inside its meditation chamber. Khri tried to sooth Gera, who was growing impatient as they awaited the council's decision outside the temple. Their conversation was interrupted by a strange storm brewing in the clouds. Gera and Khri looked up to see a fleet of Nihil ships emerge from hyperspace. Gera sent Khri to inform the other Jedi and drew his lightsaber. The Jedi fought valiantly, but were overwhelmed by the superior Nihil numbers. Oppo Rancisis ordered a retreat into the Jedi outpost, which Gera reluctantly obliged. When the Order did nothing to save Tanalorr, Gera planned to betray them but Khri cut off most of his arm with her lightsaber in an argument, she immediately got him put in a bactatank to heal but he was left there.

Era of the Empire[]

Over two centuries later, in the year 9 BBY, Dagan Gera felt a Force user intruding in his mind. The Force user was viewing his memories, and had gotten to the point when the Nihil had just started their attack on Tanalorr. Gera mentally asked the Force user to release him from his stasis, which he did. As Gera gasped for air and acclimated to the atmosphere which he had been deprived of for so long, the Force user introduced himself as Jedi Knight Cal Kestis. Kestis did not know of Gera beyond the memories he had witnessed, and as such was not aware that he had betrayed the order.

Kestis revealed to Gera that during his slumber the Republic had been manipulated by a member of the Sith Order, the ancient enemy of the Jedi that wielded the dark side of the Force and sought dominion over the galaxy. The Republic had been reformed into an authoritarian Galactic Empire, with the Dark Lord of the Sith at its Galactic Emperor. Furthermore, devotees of the Jedi Order had been branded traitors and had been systematically hunted down. Kestis was one of the few Jedi remaining, as was Gera. Instead of helping Cal, Gera tried to kill him and escaped with help from Reyvis where he set out a plan to make the Bedlam Raiders faction and as many force users as possible into an army on Tanalorr to destroy the Empire and take over the Galaxy.

Cal ran into Gera a few times on his journey to reach Tanalorr first but he never came close to stopping him until he confronted him on that planet with his friend Bode. Gera has a long fight with Cal and Bode until he nearly force chokes Cal to death. Cal is eventually able to kill him by stabbing him through the chest, slashes him a bit to pull the lightsaber out, Bode shoots Gera in the back twice, and Cal finished him off by slashing him across the chest, the two protagonists leave his corpse to rot.

Powers & Abilities[]


  • The Force: Dagan Gera was Force-sensitive, meaning he was capable of manipulating the enigmatic energy field that existed within all living things known as "the Force" to create various phenomena. Some Force users were more naturally powerful in the Force than others, with Gera being an example of an exceptionally formidable Force-sensitive. The Jedi drew upon the light side of the Force, the aspect of the Force that represented harmony, clarity, and selflessness. They championed usage of the Force as a way to protect people and commune with their surroundings. Gera was originally an adherent to the light side, however, after being denied Tanalorr he began using the dark side of the Force instead. The dark side, opposite to the light, was fuelled by negative emotions such as hatred, passion, and fear. The dark side was far more volatile and dangerous than the light.
    • Mind Manipulation: The Force could be used to interact with the minds of others. A fairly common ability, which Gera was able to use, was the power to sense the emotions of others, which was helpful when determining whether or not someone was being deceitful. Gera could also manipulate a target's emotions, predominately fear, to create illusions against them. Said hallucinations could range from creating duplicates of himself to distract an enemy's attention during a fight, or turning himself invisible so that his target couldn't detect him. He could also instinctively sense when another person was sifting through his mind using the Force.
    • Telekinesis: Another application of the Force was the ability to manipulate matter without having to make physical contact with it.


  • Expert Pilot: Dagan Gera was capable of piloting starships by himself. Jedi were typically excellent pilots on account of their enhanced reflexes. Gera was considered the best pilot of the Jedi on Koboh.
  • Master Duellist: Like all Jedi of his era, Dagan Gera was trained from a young age to master his lightsaber so that he could better defend the people of the galaxy. Even among members of his own order, Gera stood out as an exceptional duellist.


  • Lightsaber: Like all members of the Jedi Order, Dagan Gera’s weapon of choice was a lightsaber, a type of weapon which consisted of a hilt that emitted a plasma blade when activated. Lightsaber blades were so hot that they could cut through virtually anything given enough time. They were powered by kyber crystals, a type of rare crystal attuned to the Force, and sported different hilt designs and blade colors depending on the wielder. Dagan Gera’s lightsaber was a double-bladed lightsaber, meaning it had an extra long hilt and could emit a second blade from the other end if required. Gera’s lightsaber could also split apart at the hilt, allowing him to wield it as two separate single-bladed lightsabers. Dagan's saber blades were originally yellow in color, though once he used the dark side to bleed them they turned orange-red.



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Fett gotra
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Clone Troopers
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Grysk Hegemony

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