Antagonists Wiki

Dora Winifred Read, more commonly known as D.W., is one of the main characters of Arthur. She is Arthur's little sister and Kate's older sister. She has played a villainous role in some episodes.

She is voiced by Nolan Splavec.

Villainous Acts[]

Coming Soon


           PBS Kids logo (2022).svg Villains

Fireman Sam
Norman Price | Dilys Price | Bentley the Robot | Mandy Flood | Derek Price | Professor Pickles | Fire-Dog 2000 | Buck Douglas | Flex Dexter | Don Sledgehammer | Professor Polonium | Doctor Crumpton

Polar Bear | Mrs. Peng-Sniff | Giant Walrus | Roomba | The Thief

The Magic School Bus
Gerri Poveri | General Araneus | Horace Cope | Mr. Junkett | Inspector 47 | Janet Perlstein | Mr. Ruhle

Wild Kratts
Zach Varmitech | Donita Donata | Dabio | Gaston Gourmand | Paisley Paver | Rex

Berenstain Bears
Raffish Ralph | Green-Eyed Monster

Maya and Miguel
Cryptic Chameleon

Bob the Builder
Spud | Mr. Adams | Pirate Brickbeard | Mayor Snipe | Conrad | Thud | Crunch

Dr. Two-Brains | Theodore "Tobey" McCallister | Chuck the Evil Sandwich Making Guy | Lady Redundant Woman | The Butcher | Whammer | Granny May | Mr. Big | Amazing Rope Guy | Nocan the Contrarian | Squeaky | Royal Dandy | The Learnerer | Victoria Best | Miss Power | Rhyme and Reason

Super Why!
The Big Bad Wolf | The Eraser | The Germs

The New Electric Company
The Pranksters (Francine Carruthers, Manny Spamboni, Annie Scrambler & Danny Rebus) | Gilda Flip | Sigmond Scrambler | Sandy Scrambler | Dr. Dark

Odd Squad
Odd Todd | President Obbs | Agent Ohlm | Otis' Duck Family (Brother Quack) | The Shadow | Brutus

Pinkalicious & Peterrific
Spritely the Sprite | Flutterbugs

Let's Go Luna!
Capicola and Pancetta

Hero Elementary

See Also
Arthur Villains | Cyberchase Villains | Sesame Street Villains | Thomas & Friends Villains

           Arthur Logo Villains

D.W. Read | Tough Customers | Aliens | Giant Slime | Evil Arthur | B.W.'s Big Brother | Bust-trantor | Cyclops | Scylla | Charybdis | Sirens | Army of Lice | Food Giant | Blacktooth | Purple Orange | Joe | Lord Moldywart | Hothead and Fireball | Dognapper | Dr. Legume | Anna Phylaxis | Witch | Robot | Mayor Mousesizzle | Burlap Brothers | Duke Vladimir | Irina Katrina Von Hapsonburg | Meno | Sea Giant | Clown Face | Clown Face's henchmen | Escargoda | Red Claw | King James | King James' guards | Supreme Dog | Dr. Sumac | Dr. Aardvarkian | Lobmonster
