Antagonists Wiki

Cyclonus was the reconstructed form of a Decepticon, and a major antagonist of the Transformers Generation One season 3 and 4 and is an antagonist of the Transformers The Headmasters.


The Movie[]

In 2005, after a failed attack on Autobot City, the Decepticons decided to eject the wounded among them to speed up the journey to Cybertron. Their bodies were recovered by Unicron, who recreated them as his heralds. Cyclonus functioned as Galvatron's personal ship and attack dog, carrying his leader to Starscream's coronation, into the battle in Autobot City and to the planet of Junk. He was also involved in attacking and crippling the shuttle of Hot Rod and Kup over Quintessa.

Season 3[]

By 2006, the Decepticons had retreated to Chaar, as seen in Five Faces of Darkness. Although Cyclonus and the Sweeps remained in good condition, the other Decepticons had degenerated with only a small energon supply. Disgusted with how far the Decepticons had fallen, Cyclonus resolved to locate Galvatron, daring to enter Unicron's deactivated head. By replaying the planet-eater's memory banks, Cyclonus traced Galvatron to Thrull. Returning to Chaar, Cyclonus asked his fellow Decepticons to give some of their energon supplies in support.

Cyclonus and the Sweeps made their way to Thrull to retrieve Galvatron. Once freed from a pool of plasma-lava, Galvatron, having been driven insane from exposure to it, brutalised Cyclonus and the Sweeps before being talked down and returned to his position as leader. Galvatron was effective enough to destroy a space platform for Earth's defense system. Cyclonus brought him back to Chaar, only to find the Decepticons were missing, having forged an alliance with the Quintessons in their absence. With Galvatron's permission, the alliance continued, and the Decepticons and Quintessons launched an assault on Cybertron and Earth. The assault failed, and Cyclonus and the Decepticon were driven back to Chaar.

In The Killing Jar, Cyclonus was captured by a Quintesson scientist for study, along with Ultra Magnus, Wreck-Gar and Marissa Faireborn, but when the entire group was sucked through a black hole into a negative universe, they were forced to work together to escape; Cyclonus and Magnus developed a respect for each other as warriors, but vowed that when they met again on the battlefield, it would be as enemies.

After Octane fled the Decepticons, in Starscream's Ghost, Cyclonus and the Sweeps infiltrated Cybertronian air space to deal with the traitor. They chased him into the abandoned Decepticon mausoleum below the planet's surface. Cyclonus mocked Scourge when he couldn't order any Sweep to enter the mausoleum ahead of them. Cyclonus's hunt was interrupted by the arrival of Starscream's ghost, who possessed him. Cyclonus was released hours later, after being shot by Galvatron.

In Ghost in the Machine, Starscream's ghost returned and possessed Scourge, causing him to fire wildly. Cyclonus tried to convince Galvatron he was only malfunctioning. Then Scourge/Starscream shot Galvatron dead centre in the chest, and chaos ensued. The Decepticons were a step behind Starscream over the next few hours as he stole one of Trypticon's eyes, then Astrotrain, then finally Trypticon himself in a scavenger hunt orchestrated by Unicron. Their weapons temporarily neutralized after trying to recover Trypticon, Cyclonus and the Decepticons began limping away from Cybertron when they saw Starscream tumbling uncontrollably through space. Cyclonus questioned how a ghost could float, but Galvatron simply started taking potshots at Starscream.

In Webworld, after a group of Decepticons, confronted Cyclonus and demanded that he do something about Galvatron's insanity, Cyclonus had accept a Quintesson's advice and tricked Galvatron into accompanying him to the therapeutic mental institution on planet Torkulon. It pained Cyclonus to see his leader so demented as each attempted therapy met with failure, but when the Torkuli attempted to cure Galvatron by removing the damaged part of his mind, thereby leaving him a vegetable, Cyclonus tried to save him, only to be restrained. However, Galvatron infected the world itself with his madness and freed himself, decimating the planet.

In The Return of Optimus Prime, Cyclonus was infected by the Hate Plague, and became the leader of the infected Decepticons, tracking Galvatron and a group of Autobots into the depths of Chaar and spreading the infection to several of them. He was eventually cured by the Matrix of Leadership. 

Season 4[]

In The Rebirth, Cyclonus was part of the Decepticon attack on Autobot City, which led to the theft of the keyt o the Plasma Energy Chamber. When the chamber was opened, the energy released blasted the key and a group of Autobots across the galaxy to the planet Nebulos, and Cyclonus and Scourge led a team of Decepticons in pursuit, attacking and capturing several of the Autobots. Tthe remaining Autobots combined with a group of Nebulan \sinto "Headmasters" and bested them in combat. Having learned of this fusio, the Hive, the ruling council of Nebulos, approached the Decepticons to repeat the process, but Cyclonus argued them into taking the heads of the animal mode Decepticons, and the weapons of the others.

Consequently, Cyclonus became a Targetmaster, as his handgun was converted into an exo-suit for the Nightstick, giving them enhanced targeting abilities and firepower. Reclaiming the chamber key, the Decepticons headed back to Cybertron aboard Scorponok, where Cyclonus attempted to convince Galvatron of the benefits of bonding with Nebulan. The Autobots soon arrived back on Cybertron and invaded Scorponok, only to be captured by the Decepticons and almost executed by Cyclonus before being saved by Spike Witwicky and Fortress Maximus. The Decepticons’ plan was thwarted by Spike and the Nebulans, and they were sent spiraling off through space aboard Scorponok by a tendril of plasma energy.


  • While Cyclonus was voiced by Roger C Carmel in The Movie, and the majority of season 3, he was replaced by Jack Angel from The Return of Optimus Prime, after Carmel passed away. 

Who became Cyclonus?[]

  • In the Movie, the group of damaged Decepticons thrown out of Astrotrain are recreated by Unicron. Megatron becomes Galvatron, Thundercraker becomes Scourge, and the Insecticons Kickback and Shrapnell become Sweeps. As for Cyconus, things are more unclear. Bombshell is in the forefront, and Skywarp is in the background, as they are reformatted into Cyclonus "and his Armada", who look identical. After Galvatron boards his vessel, only one Cyclonus is seen, with the other never seen again.
    • Several fans prefer the idea of the loyal Skywarp becoming Cyclonus, who was undyingly loyal to Galvatron, unlike the treacherous Bombshell. This also bears a parallel with Thundercraker, a fellow Seeker, becoming Scourge. 
    • However, Bombshell's intelligence matches Cyclonus, and the storyboard made for the film indicate that Bombshell became Cyclonus. Some comics depict Skywarp and Cyclonus as separate characters, with Skywarp referring to him having been a "bug".
    • Others believe that the former identity does not matter, as Galvatron was the only one who retained some of his former identity, while Thundercracker, Skywarp, and the Insecticons were rebuilt into brand new Decepticons.  

Cyclonus is a time travelling Decepticon, created by Unicron, and a recurring antagonist of Marvel's the Transformers UK run.


Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.


In 2006, in The Planet Eater, Cyclonus was created by Unicron from the remmnants of Decepticons critically wounded after the assault on Autobot City, to serve as Galvatron's personal ship. Tasked with tracking down the Autobot Matrix by their master, in Judgement Day, Galvatron, Cyclonus, and Scourge first headed to Cybertron to execute Starscream so that Galvatron could retake command of the Decepticons. There, the trio witnessed Unicron consume Cybertron's moons, which enraged Galvatron until Unicron tortured him back into submission.

Target 2006[]

Rather than travel to Earth, as Unicron had ordered, Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge travelled back in time to 1986, and as an effect of time-travel, displaced the Autobots Prowl, Ratchet, and Optimus. This served as part of a plan to free themselves from Unicron's control by constructing a cannon that would destroy him in their present. The three Decepticons proved themselves almost invincible in the face of the Autobots' attacks, but were finally defeated when Galvatron was duped into believing he was in an alternative timeline, and they returned to their own time.

The Movie[]

As seen in Judgement Day, Cyclonus and the Decepticons headed for Earth and attacked Ultra Magnus's Autobots as they were attempting to make their way off-planet. The Autobots' tricked the Decepticons into believing that they successfully destroyed their opponent, while in reality they only managed to detonate an empty portion of Ultra Magnus's starship. In The Final Battle, Cyclonus served as Galvatron's transport, and he was freed after Unicron's destruction. 

Marvel's the Transformers[]

In Wanted: Galvatron - Dead or Alive, Galvatron travelled back in time to 1987, leaving Cyclonus and Scourge in the future, under Shockwave's command. The duo were attacked by the bounty hunter, Death's Head, who was seeking the bounty on Galvatron’s head, and Cyclonus revealed Galvatron’s whereabouts to him. In Headhunt, Cyclonus and Scourge tried to kill Rodimus Prime, to reclaim their reputation among the Decepticons. However, by doing so, they interfered with Death’s Head attempt to kill Rodimus, having been hired by Shockwave. Thus Rodimus escaped before either could kill him. 

Leading the Decepticons[]

In The Legacy of Unicron, Cyclonus and Scourge were hunted by the vengeful Death's Head, having accepted a contract from Rodimus. He tracked them to the planet of Junk, in the early days of 2008. Before he could finish the job, all three fell under the influence of Unicron, whose disembodied head survived his body's destruction and had landed on the planet, where he was having the natives build him a new body.

Under Unicron's control, Cyclonus and Scourge killed Shockwave and became Decepticon leaders, restarting the civil war as a cover for Unicron's actions. Death's Head shook off the mind control and aided the Autobots in defeating Unicron. As explosions destroyed him, Death's Head tackled Cyclonus and Scourge, pushing them through a time portal Unicron had built, promising to kill them another time. Cyclonus and Scourge were thrown into Cybertron's past by the portal, where they joined up with Scorponok. 

Becoming a Targetmaster[]

In Broken Glass, Cyclonus and Scourge travelled with Scorponok and other Decepticons to the planet Nebulos in pursuit of Fortress Maximus's Autobots. In Brothers in Armour, after they were defeated by the new Autobot Targetmasters, the Nebulan Vorath duplicated the technology on the Decepticons. Cyclonus was partnered with the Nebulan Nightstick, who had been engineered to transform into his weapon. Cyclonus tested his Targetmaster abilities by battling some Autobot Headmaster escapees. The battle destroyed the city Koraja, culminating in Fortress Maximus knocking down Cyclonus and the other Decepticon Targetmasters with part of a fountain.

In Worlds Apart, Cyclonus and the other Targetmasters lay in ambush for the Headmasters at the Fortress of Despair where they had the Autobot Targetmasters held captive. However, once Scorponok had abducted Highbrow to study the Headmaster process the remaining Headmasters freed their Targetmaster comrades and turn the tables on the Decepticons. 

After following the Autobots to Earth, in Wrecking Havoc, Cyclonus and Scourge sought out Galvatron, and arranged to meet with him in the open. En-route to the meeting grounds, they were accosted by a squad of human jet-fighters, and Cyclonus gleefully shot them down. Nightstick cheered him on, only for the Decepticon to remind the Nebulon that he was only a spectator. Shortly after, the humans tricked Cyclonus into crashing in a rocky peak, and Nightstick had to take control to retreat. Cyclonus and Scourge met with Galvatron, and revealed they weren't going to serve him any longer. Instead, they demanded that he hand over his time travel device so that they could return to the future and their position as leaders. The confrontation was disrupted by the Autobot squadron, the Wreckers, and Cyclonus found himself battling Springer. The Autobot drew both Cyclonus and Scourge away from the human s by claiming to have stolen Galvatron's time travel device. Cyclonus and Scourge caught up to Springer and learned it was a ruse just as the rest of the Wreckers came to their leader's rescue. Unwilling to fight them all at once, Cyclonus and Scourge fled. 

A time shattering death []

By the time of Dry Run, Cyclonus and Scourge decided to cut their losses and joined up with 1987 era Shockwave and his forces. while chafing under his service, Cyclonus accidentally revealed they would kill Shockwave in the future. To save himself, Shockwave unleashed a brainwashed[Megatron II| "Megatron]]" upon the two. Seized by "Megatron", Nightstick was crushed, and as Cyclonus begged Scourge for help, his companion fled to save himself and Cyclonus’s head was torn from his body.

As revealed in Time Wars, Cyclonus and Scourge’s fall into the past had unbalanced the space-time continuum, due to there being no substitution, causing a rift in space/time. Cyclonus's death, 20 years before his creation, proved to be the final straw, accelerating the rift, which threatened to consume Earth and Cybertron. Cyclonus's remains were strung up as a trophy by the increasingly deranged Shockwave. Planning to restore the balance by returning all time travellers to their own time, Scourge tried and failed to recover Cyclonus’s body from the unstable Shockwave. Ravage aided Shockwave's sanity enough for him to deposit Cyclonus’s remains in the rift, and seal it with an x-ray blast.

Rhythms of Darkness[]

In the timeline of Galvatron II, Cyclonus, along with Scourge, had pursued Rodimus Prime and his crew to Junkion, as seen in Regeneration One: Less than Zero. After his shuttle had been destroyed and his crew deactivated, Rodimus stood against the attacking Decepticons, but a distraction gave Cyclonus and Scourge the opening they needed to shoot the Matrix away from him, allowing Galvatron to finish him off. 

By 2009, as seen in Rhythms of Darkness, Cybertron had been destroyed and Galvatron ruled Earth's American continents. To eliminate the Decepticons, the governments of the free nations planned to launch nuclear weapons towards the US. Anticipating this move, Galvatron had equipped a fortress with the machinery to convert the fallout into energon, and placed Cyclonus and Scourge as guards. While griping over how they missed conquest, the pair were ambushed by the Autobot Getaway. He was joined by Chainclaw and Guzzle, who Cyclonus killed, and Getaway eliminated Scourge before dying. Cyclonus was then pounced upon by Chainclaw, only to be rescued by Galvatron. Due to his failure, Cyclonus had only been rescued so that Galvatron could execute him himself. 


  • In Target 2006, Cyclonus claims that he was recreated from a Decepticon called "Life Spark". This was presumably a misreading of an early draft of the Movie's script, which referenced the fading "life spark" of an ancient Decepticon.

