Antagonists Wiki

Carrie Cutler or also known as Cupid is a recurrent antagonist in Arrowverse.



Carrie was an SCPD police officer but she later became a member of the SWAT unit and she was discharged for chasing. On the night of Deathstroke, she was almost killed by one of her henchmen but was saved by Arrow, from there she developed an obsession with him.

Obsession by Arrow[]

Carrie soon started antagonizing Arrow, when she killed Isaac Tanzler when he was being taken to prison, she presviously wounded two policemen. Then she calls Arrow and says she wants to clean up the city and tries to kill the mafia family. However, Arrow visits Carrie's psychologist so he can deal with her, and Carrie also goes to a club all over there if he plays with her. In the fight against Carrie she gave the Arrow a lot of trouble, when he tries to tell Carrie that she needs help, she shoots her arrow, but he defeats her and when Carrie tries to commit suicide in front of a meter, he saves her.

After that, Cupid would return again, she was still more psychotic, and when and after Deadshot's death, she received a reduced sentenced by Argus, and soon she started hunting couples being one of them famous. And soon after she saw Oliver Queen and Felicity together, she started to chase and attack them. With that, Oliver and Felicity soon set up a fake wedding to attract her, Oliver and Felicity manage to convince her that love can mean life, and before she can act, she is attacked by the Arrow Team and tied on a rope. And before she can break free, she is attacked by a shock bullet by Oliver, she is then arrested by the police.

Suicide Squad[]

After being an Arrow villain, she would surrender to Suicide Squad, she also developed an obsession with Deadshot, and when he died she was shaken. And at some point she would join the Ghost Iniciative, being an altenative version of the original Suicide Squad, she joins Ricardo Diaz, Joe Wilson and China White.

Aliance with China White and Liza Warner[]

During the transfer from prison, Cupid along with China White and Liza Warner hijack a bus and drive away. Then China, Liza and Cupid go to the former Chinese associates of China and kill them and interrogate one of the survivors and grab millions of dollars from the late crime lord, Tobias Church. With that the trio is soon confronted by Arrow who reprimands them, he then fights them. However, he cannot do anything when the special forces come to try to arrest him, and Arrow escapes. After that, the three attack the Bertinelli family and take three of them to Church's hideout. However, after Arrow with the help of Wild Dog, Mr. Terrific and ACU manage to arrest the three.

