Jafar says: Read my lips and come to grips with the reality! This article is a stub and is in need of expansion. You can help Antagonists Wiki by expanding it. If you don't then he will send Darth Vader and Light Yagami after you. |

The Cult of Diablos is the antagonistic group of manga and anime series Eminence in Shadow.
Because they operated covertly around the world to manipulate world affairs from the shadows under their regime, trying to keep society under their control by using demonic powers coming from society. Considered a myth unfamiliar to the general public, but whose existence is carefully concealed. Diablos' essence is to acquire immortality so that their eternal reign will be eternal.
Throughout its history, the cult has expanded its members to many high-ranking positions around the world, manipulated history behind the scenes, and long distorted the truth about the Three Heroes, renaming it the "Curse of Curses". ruled the country to demon possession. The cult eventually seeks to resurrect the demon Diablos for even more power by cultivating Diablos' tears, which are used to give their leaders immortality and the strength to continue their reign. Kidnapping the descendants of heroes and conducting human experiments to further improve their knowledge.
For years, the Cult of Diablos managed to keep secrets and operate without opposition. They have successfully eliminated potential threats that have arisen and secured the upper hand. However, their unwavering reign ended with the emergence of a new dissident known as the Shadow Garden. This mysterious underground organization boldly exposed the existence of the cult to the world and confronted the cult head-on. The Shadow Garden ruthlessly destroyed the cult's activities, causing heavy losses and overwhelming the cult.
Realizing the extent of the damage they had suffered, the cult found themselves in a precarious position. To regain control, they decide to make Shadow Garden their crime and use public ties. Recognizing the magnitude of the threat posed by the Shadow Garden, the cult concluded that its adversaries could no longer be underestimated. As a result, they chose to end their internal conflicts and unite their armies. After centuries of factional division, the cult recognized the immense danger the Shadow Gardens posed and aimed to focus its efforts on destroying them.
Little is known about this organization other than that it controls the world by resurrecting the demon Diablos and continuously using its power to maintain control of the cult. , but it can't be perfect because it still has very strong side effects.
The Cult of Diablos tricked the world into condemning the descendants of heroes who developed a condition called demonic possession, and handed over the "possessors" to the Church, who then used them as test material to perfect Tears of Diablos. It also eliminates all threats and ensures there are no obstacles that can interrupt your work.
After the emergence of a secret organization called the Shadow Garden, who suddenly learned of their existence, they began to destroy the cult's activities, particularly by destroying their main mission in the process of purifying the Tears of Diablos and opposing the cult's rule. embarked on a quest to thwart the plan. Contribute to the world by exposing their crimes. As a result, the cult suffered immeasurable losses and considered Shadow Garden as greatest enemy.
Knights of Rounds[]
- Loki (currently)
- Hela (currently)
- Jormungand (currently)
- Fenrir (currently, deceased)
- Mordred (currently, deceased)
- Petost (currently)
- Jack Nelson (currently, deceased)
- Lord Laugus (formerly/deserted, deceased)
- Lutheran Barnett (formerly, deceased)
Children of Diablos[]
1st Children[]
- Zenon Griffey (deceased)
- Rex (deceased)
- Kouadoi (deceased)
- Viscount Jean (deceased)
- The Black Spider (deceased)
2nd Children[]
- Viscount Olba (deceased)
- Perv Asshat (deceased)
- Hubb (spy)
- Venom (enforcer, deceased)
- Gettan (enforcer, deceased)
- Reina Oriana (accomplice, deceased)
- Isaac (insider, deceased)