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Cookie27s upper torso

Crush Cookie is an antagonist of Rave Master. was a feared assassin who, following his execution, was brought back to life by Doryu and made part of Doryu Ghost Attack Squad.


Cookie is among the rest of his comrades when the Rave Warriors are forced to board Creature, and is present when Doryu declares the beginning of the "Darkness Festival".

He then appears before Haru Glory and his comrades (namely Let Dahaka, Celia, Ruby, Plue, Griffon Kato and Unicorn Watanabe) when the group enters the Creature's Tomb Area. He is immediately recognized by Let and Griffon for his past life, and declares his intention to kill all intruders. He then proceeds to inform the Rave Warriors about how Doryu gave him new life before attacking the enemy group. Having demonstrated the power of his Dark Bring, Cookie leaves his opponents wondering how to damage him. Haru tries using the ranged ice move from his Blue Crimson sword, but it leaves the undead, already cold body of the serial killer unharmed. The Rave Master thus employs his fire blade, joined by Let's flame breath, but the combined assault merely enrages Cookie, who once again lunges at Haru. Even Watanabe tries his best by throwing his pan at the enemy, but All Crush shields its owner.

Cookie prepares to finish off the Rave Master, who stands motionless before him, the Ten Commandments at hand. At the last istant, however, Haru has his sword transform into Mel Force and blasts Cookie away, causing him to be sent crashing against one of Creature's outer walls. The killer's physical contact with the surface prompts All Crush to destroy it, resulting in him falling out from the battleship. As he is about to safely land into the sea, however, Cookie is directly struck by the light of the sun: his undead body is reduced to ashes, and the legendary murderer meets his end, this time for real.
