Antagonists Wiki

The Creatures are the main villain protagonists of the animation Beastenders and it's sequel Deadenders. The animation is a terrifying parody of the original EastEnders.

The animation is created by the legendary Canadian animator Daniel Brochu and British director Chris Cunningham, which is known for his bizarre creepy animations all over the internet. Daniel Brochu started off as a graphic designer in the 90's, until he started doing gif animations in the early days of the internet, which escalated in Daniel Brochu becoming an animator. Beastenders was his tenth official animation.


Everything starts off in the UK at the Albert Square location, inside of the center of the drama Queen Victoria. Inside, mutated politicians' heads appear inside of jars, filling up a monstrosity humanoid centipede creature. As the doctor appears, he pulls the transmission, which escalates of the humanoid creature releasing another creature out of its mouth.

The creature breaks the Queen Victoria's walls and goes to demolish the UK. The creature starts eating cars, as a tank appears, shooting a huge bullet into the creatures eye, killing it instantly. As the creature dies, the doctor appears behind it, giving the creature a vaccine. The vaccine made the creature totally get destroyed, as another creature escaped from its mouth.

As the creature was walking in the UK, it went to the Big Ben, trying to eat it. Eventually, airplanes appear trying to stop the creature, but the creature eats the airplanes, as the UK releases a rocket that turns into a humanoid robot. In the end, the robot appears to shoot the rocket into the creature, demolishing London totally.

The Creatures made their return and revenge in Deadenders. Here, it is Halloween and the trio of witches manage to reincarnate the creatures, and as a result, the creatures are now zombies. One of the zombies look directly at the camera and starts vomiting a large tsunami, which one of the zombies surf on. The zombies terrorized the bar, killing everything in sight and starts partying like nothing happened. The bartender, who survived by hiding, summons a large giant female dinosaur human monster. She killed the zombies by burning them with her fire breath and crushing the zombies under her foot. But the witches used their dark magic to amalgamate the zombies into a giant monster as the two giants fight each other. The female monster uses the moon to destroy the zombies, which succeeded, but not until the female giant gets crushed by the moon.


           ;Daniel Brochu and Chris Cunningham Villains]]

Gaz Membrane | Creatures (Beastenders) | Surreal Faces | Deer | Zombie Kittens | The Janitor | The Twin Chefs | The Lady | Taigokumaru | The Granny

Leeches | The Eyes | Shoe Monster | The Guests | Shadow Kids | The Hunter | The Teacher | The Doctor | The Thin Man

The Bullies | Living Hands | The Patients | The Viewers | Flesh Walls
