Jafar says: Read my lips and come to grips with the reality! This article is a stub and is in need of expansion. You can help Antagonists Wiki by expanding it. If you don't then he will send Darth Vader and Light Yagami after you. |
Cosmos is one of the main antagonists in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic series. She is Discord's former lover.
At some point, Cosmos arrived in Chaosville and met Discord. The two soon began a friendship and romance based on chaos. Discord introduces Cosmos to Equestria and they both cause chaos until they caught the attention of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. She was later determined to have both for her, so she decided to discard them. And being so forcing Discord to distract the princesses to keep away from her. Then Discord and Cosmos arrive at Canterlot to turn one of the Equestria schools into complete chaos, thus putting all the ponies in danger. Realizing his mistake and saving them, Discord confronts Cosmos for her wrongdoing, only to face her wrath and bbe turned into a dog by dropping his new scarf. After that, Discord escapes from Cosmos and is left imprisoned by King Aspen and King of Abyssinia who took him to the princesses Luna and Celestia and Queen Novo. Who accused you of creating chaos around you. Discord denies this and even before being found by Cosmos and begging to banish it and even offering them to help them.
Later, Cosmos is banished to the stars and transformed into an Andalusian constellation. Discord personally takes the Cosmos star to ensure it never returns.