Antagonists Wiki
Corporal Spivey
Background information
Feature films Dances with Wolves
Television programs
Video games
Park attractions
Actor Tony Pierce
Performance model
Inspiration Spivey from Michael Blake's novel
Character information
Other names Shit-Bird (by Edwards)
Personality Mischievous, greedy, sadistic, dimwitted, immature, arrogant, cruel
Occupation Union corporal
Goal To have Dunbar hanged
Home Fort Hayes
Friends Sergeant Bauer, Corporal Edwards, Union Soldiers, Lieutenant Elgin, The Major
Enemies John Dunbar, Two Socks, The Sioux
Likes Being immature
Dislikes Dunbar
Powers and abilities
Weapons Knife
Fate Strangled and drowned by Dunbar.

Corporal Spivey is the secondary antagonist of the 1990 film Dances with Wolves.


When the U.S. Army arrives at the abandoned Fort Sedgwick, he finds John Dunbar's journal inside a bunk room. He thinks of handing it to the other soldiers so he can get rewarded, but he fears that he could be arrested for theft, so he hides it.

After the Union Soldiers arrest Dunbar, they bring him to Sergeant Bauer to guard him. Bauer orders Spivey to get the Major and taunts Dunbar. When Lieutenant Elgin arrives with the Major, they interrogate him and he reveals that he speaks English. The Major asks Dunbar why he's dressed in a Sioux outfit and he explains that he arrived at his post at Fort Sedgwick. Spivey claims that he hasn't seen the journal and they search for it, only to come back with no evidence. When Dunbar attacks one of the soldiers, he is quickly knocked out and brought back.

When Dunbar wakes up, Elgin and the Major try to convince him to cooperate and guide them to the Sioux villages to seize control. However, Dunbar refuses and declares that he won't talk to them in Lakota, surprising the soldiers. When Bauer is instructed to take Dunbar down to the river to clean his face, Spivey hides in some marshes as he watches them, while using Dunbar's journal as toilet paper. Corporal Edwards comes by and asks for some of the pages and Spivey throws one over to him. When Dunbar is taken back to the bunk room, Spivey comes in and tries to steal his pendant, only for Dunbar to wake up immediately and grab him. Dunbar calls for Bauer and Spivey frees himself as he crawls away in fear. Spivey charges at Dunbar, but Bauer stops him and declares that Dunbar will be hanged back at Fort Hayes.

The soldiers put Dunbar on a wagon and they head out on their journey back to Fort Hayes. On the way, they notice Two Socks standing on a hill and shoot at him. Dunbar wakes up and attacks Spivey in defense, only to be hit by Bauer. The soldiers continue to shoot at Two Socks and Edwards manages to mortally wound the wolf. Edwards gets off and Spivey kicks Dunbar, but Elgin stops him and threatens to arrest him. He stops Edwards from going any further and the Sioux are shown waiting on the other side of the hill as it is revealed that Two Socks sacrificed himself to prevent them from being discovered.

They arrive at a river and one of the soldiers check for ambushes, while Spivey and Edwards taunt Dunbar. The soldier tells them the coast is clear and they continue crossing the river. However, they are suddenly attacked by the Sioux and Elgin is killed. Spivey, Bauer and Edwards attempt to intervene, but Dunbar knocks them off the wagon. While the Lakotas manage to kill the other soldiers, Dunbar strangles Spivey with his shackles and drowns him. Dunbar's journal was taken out of Spivey's pocket and is swept down river before it was eventually returned to Dunbar at the Sioux's winter camp.
