Conwing was a mutant with he the appearance of a humanoid squid and he is the main antagonist of the Quantum Secrets episode in Power Rangers Time Force.
He like the other mutants, he was created in a laboratory with the result of a scientific accident, before the events of Time Force, he was captured by Time Force and frozen, but late in the 21st century, he would be released by Ransik who gave to orders him to capture the Quantasaurus Rex. With that, Conwing kidnaps Eric Myers, he takes his Mopher and forces him to summon the Quantasaurus Rex. After Conwing would use his voice and command the Quantasaurus Rex, he then orders the Quantasaurus Rex to destroy Silver Hills before throwing Eric into the lake to die. However the other Rangers rescued him, they then use the Shadow Force Megazord to fight the Q-Rex, but when Eric returns he manages to recover the Mopher. The Rangers use the Megazords and fights Conwing and defeat him, after which Conwing is frozen.