Cobra Incarnate is a main antagonist that appears in episode The Cobra Strikes.
He Voice Richard Cansino.
Cobra Incarnate was a demon that Diabolico put on Ryan if he betrayed him in tattoo form. And the serpent demon had been glued into a tomb of a demon, ryan traveled to the tomb to finally defeat the demon and gets rid of the curse. However, the snake statue soon came to life and fought Ryan, but still he was not strong enough to defeat the snake demon, who laughed at Ryan that the tattoo would end him. However, Ryan soon imposed a reaction and his weapons materialized and then his Titanium Ax and destroyed the Incarnate Cobra tired collasing against him and killing the monster.
Cobra Incarnate was cruel and sadistic monster who laughed at Ryan's tattoo and saying the tattoo would kill him, he was also arrogant which caused his destruction.
- He is one of the few monsters that doens't grow and fight Megazord.