Is the Main Antagonist of When Good Ghouls Go Bad.Kankel. However, because Curtis is a zombie, he manages himself to pull himself together, and scare the wits out of Kankel. As Curtis pulls off the shroud off his statue, everyone covers their eyes in fear. Surprisingly, nothing happens. Everyone uncovers their eyes and Curtis' statue is revealed to be of Uncle Fred. Curtis then shows Uncle Fred a picture of the two of them, Uncle Fred shaking Curtis' hand, as it implied that Curtis looked up to him. Uncle Fred, still guilty about Curtis' death, wonders why he was a hero to Curtis as it was his kiln that killed him. Curtis then turns to Kankel and points to him, naming him as his killer.
Kankel confesses that the night Curtis died, he was working on the statue of Uncle Fred and as a prank to scare him, Kankel, Frady, and his group pushed Curtis into the kiln and locked him in it then taunting him. Suddenly, the janitor appeared and Kankel's group ran off. While cleaning the class, the janitor accidentally turned on the kiln not realizing Curtis was in it. The next day, Kankel went inside the kiln and saw Curtis' corpse as well as the completed statue of Uncle Fred. To hide his crime, he made up the curse as pretending his eyes were burned when he saw the statue to make it seem like it was Curtis' doing. Kankel also reveals that the statue of Uncle Fred would have been voted to be put in town square, instead of Kankel's statue of his father. It's revealed that Uncle Fred donated much time and money to the town's children, promoting creativity and imagination; thus, he was loved by many children; explaining why he was called "Uncle Fred" and why much of his actions were seen as childish to some. Kankel wouldn't stand for someone to promote things that were "girly" and wanted things "manly." However, Kankel's action earns him the wrath of his father Pops Kankel (Gordon Boyd), who is among the group of zombies and is upset at what he has done. He then grabs his son's ear and drags him out to "give him a whooping he won't forget for years."