Antagonists Wiki

Want form! WANT FORM!
~ The Cluster
Want to stay... But... Can't stop! Going to form! Can't stop! Going to form! Help! Help! Help! Help...
~ The Cluster

The Cluster is a major antagonist in Steven Universe. It is a giant Cluster Gem that is currently incubating deep beneath the Earth's core and is said to be larger than the Earth itself and it will destroy the planet once it reaches its final form. The Crystal Gems were working to stop The Cluster from reaching its final form, which they eventually succeeded in doing.

The Cluster serves as the main antagonist for the second half of Season 2, the secondary antagonist of Season 3, and a supporting character throughout the rest of the original series and Steven Universe Future.

It is voiced by Zach Callison, Deedee Magno Hall, and Shelby Rabara.


Season 1[]

The Cluster is first mentioned in the season finale "Jail Break" when Peridot arrives on Earth with her escort Jasper and her informant Lapis Lazuli. Peridot looks at her objectives and she is sent in to investigate and check up on The Cluster. However, when Jasper saw Rose Quartz's gem in Steven, she told Peridot to forget about the Cluster.

Season 2[]

File:When It Rains00090.jpg

The Cluster's location

The Cluster is mentioned again in "Catch and Release" and is explored in greater detail.

In "When It Rains", after Peridot is able to form a truce with the Crystal Gems, she is freed by Steven and she takes him to the Kindergarten where she brings up the monitor and she shows Steven a map of the Earth and the location of where The Cluster is at. Peridot then reveals to Steven that once The Cluster is finished incubating, it will grow to become larger than the Earth itself and it'll destroy the entire planet. Peridot then reveals that once The Homeworld saw Earth as no longer a viable colony to mass-incubate gem warriors, the homeworld had begun experiments involving the forced fusion of Gemshards to create a "Gem Geo-Weapon".

She then reveals in the Prime Kindergarten Control Room that the Gemfusions the Crystal Gems had fought before, were actually prototypes for The Cluster and reveals it to be a massive giant comprised of millions of gem shards and once it reaches its final form, it will grow to become bigger than the Earth and the whole planet will be destroyed if it's not stopped.

In "Back to the Barn", the Crystal Gems and Peridot worked together in an effort to stop The Cluster before it can reach its final form and destroy the Earth. The gems built a drill so they can make it to the Earth's core and stop The Cluster from incubating.

It is revealed by Peridot in "It Could've Been Great", that the Homeworld's intention with the Cluster was indeed to incubate the time enough to remerge from earth's core and destroy it in the process. Later on, Steven and the Gems travel to the moon and learn about the Cluster's coordinates thanks to the control panel of the base. However, it also revealed the Cluster is 2,500 units down earth.

Season 3[]

The Cluster finally starts to free itself in "Super Watermelon Island" creating earthquakes on Mask Island, the new home of the Watermelon Stevens. After defeating Malachite where it unfused back to Jasper and Lapis Lazuli, the Cluster rumbles from the underground making quakes everywhere, one of them taking Jasper's unconscious body while Lapis is saved. Garnet tells Steven (Who was possessing a Watermelon in his sleep) to wake up and hurry up with the drill before it's too late.

In "Gem Drill", Steven and Peridot set to travel underground using the drill. As Steven and Peridot proceed, they encounter several Cluster Gems on their way coming from the Cluster, but they get rid of them easily. At one point, Steven came up with the idea of bubbling all the Cluster's gems but Peridot sadly explains there is no way to help them, because they are now million of shards united without any memory of what happened, save for having one common goal, getting enough of their lost gem shards to form. Afterward, they finally arrive at the Cluster, Steven suggests trying to help the Cluster, but Peridot tells him that destroying it is the only way to save Earth.

The drill is activated but as it works, the drill eventually loses three heads and fails to keep drilling, making Steven fall unconscious. When Steven wakes up, he finds himself inside the Cluster, he tries to convince them that they don't need to form when they can find more gem shards just where they are, and what they need is company, considering the fact that if they form back it will be the destruction of the whole planet and the gem shards they can find. Steven wakes up and tells Peridot the Cluster no longer wants to form back and needs to be bubbled, though at first, they didn't seem to know how to do it, the Cluster's Gems start to bubble each other. Steven helps to unite all the gem shards with the Cluster, becoming all one in a giant bubble. Steven and Peridot return back to the barn where the Crystal Gems have returned with an unconscious Lapis. Steven announces the Cluster now is completely bubbled and doesn't need to form to achieve its goal. The final scene consists of the Cluster peacefully resting in Earth's core.

Steven Universe Future[]

In "I Am My Monster," The Cluster appears quite suddenly after noticing Steven's transformation into a monster, briefly holding him back from attacking Beach City and giving Steven's friends time to recuperate thanks to Connie's motivational speech. After briefly dispersing, it then comforts Steven along with many of his friends and family, allowing Steven to return to his normal state.

External links[]


  • It disturbingly resembles a skinless arm.


           Cartoon Network 2010 logo Villains

Code Lyoko
XANA | William Dunbar | Men in Black | Scyphozoa | Laura Gauther

TV Movie Villains
Albadon | Astaroth | Troy Adams | Steve | Big Rob | White Diamond | Spinel | Sonny Appleday | Grandfather | Father | Senior Citi-zombies | Agent Trout | National Wildlife Control | Pizza Rat

Crossover Villains
Lord Fuse | The Announcer's Remote Control | Delightful Reaper | Alpha | Strike

Sym-Bionic Titan Villains
General Modula | Galalunan Commander

What A Cartoon!
Yuckie Duck | Sledgehammer O'Possum | Dogg | Big Bad Wolf | Wind Up Wolf | Luther | Fox Chef | French Chef | Tumbleweed Tex | Noof | Mad Bomber | Reilly | Blammo the Clown | Boid | Aliens

Dexter's Laboratory
Mandark | Quackor | Crazy Robot | Badaxtra | Hookocho | Lalavava | Comrade Red | Mental Mouse | Huntor | Peltra | Simion | Orgon Grindor | Dynomutt X-90 | Ultrabot 2000

Cow and Chicken
Red Guy | Rooster | Cerberus | I.R. Baboon | Big Foot | Buffalo Gals | Bully from Scottsdale | Butch | Chachi | Dick | Dr. Chunks | Fluffy the Anaconda | Grizzly Beaver | Headhunters | Jolly Roger | Laughing Hyenas | Luigi Rustknocked | Man-Eating Giraffes | Photocopy | Queen of Yurp | Scott Weil | Sow | The Milkman

¡Mucha Lucha!
Queen Voladora | Monster of San Luis Rey | 6-Armed Monster | Carlton Cold Jones | Heavy Traffic | Primadonna Hodges | Cindy Slam | Potato Patata Jr. | El Perrito | El Custodio | El Dolor De Kurtz | El Evil Cheese Grande | El Evil Dentista of Doom | El Haystack Grande | Coco Demento | El Maléfico | El Pared | El Toro Amarillo | Esteban | Futboloco | Mask Savages | Masked Toilet | Mysterioso Grande | Mr. Fishy Fish | El Oscuro Invasor | Rick O' Shea | Private Reinhardt | Queen Voladora's Mummified Mommy | Slurf | Timmy of a Thousand Masks

I Am Weasel
I.R. Baboon

Edgar & Ellen
Edgar and Ellen | Pet | Stephanie Knightleigh

Krypto The Superdog
Mechanikat | Snooky Wookums | Delilah | Bud and Lou

The Life & Times of Juniper Lee
Auntie Roon | Auntie Roon's Minions | Loki | Thor | Demoness | Jonathan | Kai Yee | Lex | Sandman | Vikki Devvyne | Taylor Evermore | Wrongness

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Terrence | Berry | Duchess | Extremesaurs | Kip Snip | Lord Snotzax | Lil' Lincoln | Nemesis | Omnizot | Wild Mac | World

Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
Axel & Rod Skidmark | Eldwin Blair | Mr. Darrell | Mr. Master | P.A.L. | Rumaki | Sunekura | Sauerkraut Malone | Julie

My Gym Partner's a Monkey
Bobby Lion | Bull Sharkowski | Chad | Euripides Sharkowski | Larry Raccoon | Lola Llama | Possum Girl | Principal Wolverine | Rick Platypus | Mr. Cheetah | The Spiffies | The Ferals | Ted Oxpecker

Class of 3000
Preston | Dustin | Eastley | Big D | Mr. Yin and Mr. Min | Blob | Dr. Nefario | Kaylie and Mackenzie

Miss Endive | Gorgonzola | Reuben | Chestnut | Funjl | Meaches | Gumbo | Mr. Fugu | King of the Sky | Sour Ron | Kevin | Frank | Scary | Puckerberry Overlords | Sour Wife | Rosemary | Cinnamini Monster | Weirdos | Frau Broten | Florentine | Jeffrey | Peking Duck | Jam | Mr. Samball | Robert Limburger | Pepperjack | Flendive | Crazy Fruit | Meanie Cream Cake | Mold Pixie | Steve | The Teriyaki Triads | Roquefort | Ms. Butterscotch

The Secret Saturdays
V.V. Argost | Munya | Argost's Army | Rani Nagi | Zak Monday | Doc Monday | Drew Monday | Fiskerton Monday | Zon Monday | Abbey Grey | Baron Finster | Francis | Shock Troopers

The Mr. Men Show
Little Miss Naughty | Little Miss Scary | Mr. Rude | Mr. Stubborn | Aliens | Alien Space Pirates | Mr. Metal | Lions | King Kong | Sea Monster | Snow Monster

Hero 108
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The Looney Tunes Show
Cecil Turtle | Yosemite Sam | Elmer Fudd | Marvin the Martian | Wile E. Coyote | Sylvester | Taz | Daffy Duck | Henery Hawk | George P. Dog

New Looney Tunes
Yosemite Sam | Ivana | Rhona Roundhouse | Carl the Grim Rabbit | Elmer Fudd | Marvin the Martian | King Thes | Cal | Jack | Eagle Scout | Hazmat | Count Bloodcount | Sir Littlechin | Computer Virus | Winter Stag | Krakos the Polar Bear | Scarecrow | Vera the Vulture | Ninjas

Mighty Magiswords
Queen Porcina | Morbidia | Gateux | Phil The Pilefer | Glori | Nohyas | King Rexxtopher | DeBizz | Helmut | Manfish the Fish Man | Frostferatu | Brocoli Dumplin Kids | Brotherhood of Thieves | Francis Thingshooter | Naso | Birda | Purrlance | Mr. Flumooks

Over the Garden Wall
The Beast | Adelaide | Dog | Evil Spirit | The North Wind

Belson Noles | Balance | Brenda Shoop | Joshua | Mildred | Cooter | Malakevin | Mountain Lion | Mr. Noles | Seabass

Uncle Grandpa
Pizza Steve | Aunt Grandma | Cheesepuff Mike | Bottom Bag | Chinease Take Out Delivery Guy | Christopher Columbus | Cloud Wizard | Curly | Emperor Krell | Evil Forces Shadow Guy | Foreign Madman | Free Sample Elves | Galaxy Guardians | Gary | G-Dog | Gornak | Green Alien | Jimmy | Kevin E. Peepants | Kid Cousin | Larry | Leo | Lexus, Lisa, & Lori | Moe | Mouse | Mole People | Moon Man | Mud Goblins

Generator Rex
Black Knight | Van Kleiss | The Pack (Biowulf , Breach , Skalamandar, Bouncer, I-Bol & Circe ) | Consortium | Dr. Branden Moses

Annoying Orange
Broccoli Overlord | Broccoli Minions | Grapefruit | Big Rock Candy Monster | Teddy Juicer

Apple & Onion
Beef Jerky | Cheesesteak | Duck | Maritimers (Crab Cake, Tempura Shrimp & Tuna Can)

Summer Camp Island
Basketball | Jabberwock | Jeremiah

Adventure Time
Princess Bubblegum Ice King Marceline Abadeer Lich Ricardio Flame Princess Gunter Tiffany Oiler Earl of Lemongrab Bandit Princess

Teen Titans
Slade Terra Trigon

See Also
Adventure Time Villains | Ben 10 Villains | Camp Lazlo Villains | Codename: Kids Next Door Villains | Courage the Cowardly Dog Villains | Craig of the Creek Villains | Ed, Edd n Eddy Villains | Infinity Train Villains | Johnny Test Villains | OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes Villains | Regular Show Villains | Robotboy Villains | Samurai Jack Villains | Steven Universe Villains | Teen Titans Villains | Teen Titans Go! Villains | The Amazing World of Gumball Villains | The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Villains | The Powerpuff Girls Villains | Total Drama Villains | Victor and Valentino Villains | Villainous Villains | We Bare Bears Villains

          StevenUniverseTitle Villains

Great Diamond Authority
White Diamond | Yellow Diamond | Blue Diamond | Pink Diamond

Homeworld Gems
Peridot | Lapis Lazuli | Jasper | Yellow Pearl | Blue Pearl | Pink Pearl | Eyeball Ruby | Navy Ruby | Holly Blue Agate | Aquamarine | Topaz | Emerald | Hessonite | Squaridot | Pyrope | Demantoid | Spinel | Mean Lapis

Fusion Gems
Sugilite | Malachite | Cluster Gems | Cluster | Zebra Jasper | Bluebird Azurite

Gem Monsters
Nephrite | Albite | Gem Cave Creature | Big Bird | Larimar | Invisible Gem Monster | Lighthouse Gem Monster | Slinker | Great North Gem Monsters | Lonely Pearl | Grossular Diopside | Monster Steven

Robonoids | Bismuth | Holo-Connie | Marty | Frybo | Fable | Strike
