“ | God chose me to be tested, and now he's chosen them. If I don't do this, something terrible will happen. | „ |
~ Clara |
Clara Hayes was a villain who had obsessive compulsive disorder. She was the first serial arsonist and female killer to appear in the Criminal Minds series.
She is portrayed by Jennifer Hall.
Criminal Minds[]
Beginning of Life[]
In her life, when Hayes was only sixteen, her house was burned down and she survived the fire in the house. In an interview her mother, Ellen Hayes said to print out that this was a miracle and said that her daughter was tested and blessed by God. However, Clara soon began to develop obsessive compulsive personality disorder. It began to be fixed on religion, on fire, and on numbers specifically the number three.
In 2005, Clara started a series of criminals fires that began on March 3 at 3: 00 p.m. And ended on Setember 19, she ended up killing a college student, which made BAU call herself to solve the case. When BAU was investigating on Campus, he eventually killed his teacher who was burned to death; Clara then mounts explosives and mounts so she can explode and ignite chemicals around the room. Hotch and Reid meet Clara when she and her colleagues say how they believe the is starting with the fire. Clara also uses a voice modifier and leaves a message that ''Charon I am doing this for Charon''. Thanks to Reid's analysis in the Crime scene, they soon deduce that the suspect is obsessive-compulsive and objetive-religious and obsessive with fire and the number three.
That this, Hotch soon realizes that the profile points to Clara Hayes after they see her behavior and see how she raised three fingers and turned three rings around the finger three times and repeated the word heats the third ingredient of the formula three times. She soon intercepted three of her colleagues in an elevator on the third floor of science, when Clara gets close to incending her colleagues, Hotch then appears and tries to argue with Clara to make her stop trying to set fire to her colleagues and save time for backup arrive, when Gideon arrives and Hotch sees no other choice he shoots Clara's leg making her unleash. Then Clara was arrested or institutionalized.