Antagonists Wiki

Cinecon is a mutant who uses the movie director theme, he is also the main antagonist of the two episode Movie Madness of Power Rangers Time Force.


He first appears as an old man directing a movie starring Frankie Chang (which is a simply a Jackie Chan parody) while he was filming the movie one of his sturtman got injured, so Wes soon volunteered to take the place, all went well, until Wes realized that the sword used against him was real, and that Frankie Chang tried to kill him, the team put a blast block where Wes would fall in the air, Wes then revolts and says is lucky to be in pieces, and soon after when then revolts and says is lucky to be in pieces, and when the Rangers were preparing to leave, Cinecon and the actors reveal that they had set this up from the start, and Cinecon shows the Rangers the plaque of their film titled The End Of The Rangers. Soon after Cinecon locks all Rangers in the movie world by simply manipulating the fabric of reality. Seeing that the Rangers were in danger from Cinecon, the Circuit soom comes in contact with Eric the Ranger Quantum, and tells him everything that is going on that the Rangers are under arrest, so Eric decides to try to help, however he gets caught by Cinecon and sent to the movie world, so the Rangers, Wes and Trip decide to team up to get one of the Cinecon board and get out of the TV world, so they can get out of the TV world and release the other Rangers as well, but they are approached by Ransik who is in a car and chases them, after which Cinecon fights the Rangers in giant form, and they use the Transwarp Zord, Shadow Megazord Blue and the Quantasaurus Rex, however during the fights Cinecon proved invincible because of the plaque, however Trip soon reveals that he crashed the last page, thus causing Cinecon's defeat that proved vulnerable to Rangers attacks, and he was frozen and arrests. 


Cinecon is one of the craziest monster and one of the worst to appear in the season, he is psychopath, sinister, umpredictable and perverse. And besides he's completely self-centered and a narcissist who thinks he's a good director, he's crazed and arrogant man, and doesn't appreciate human life, he was arrogant in the fight against the Rangers, until Trip revealed that he had been shooting the at end of the page, he turned out to be a coward later in the fight against the Rangers which caused his defeat.
