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“ | Welcome to hell. Now, recreate the soup. Take as much time as you need. All week if you must. | „ |
~ Skinner mocking Linguini. |
“ | You might think you are a chef, but you are still only a rat. | „ |
~ Skinner taunting Remy after he successfully capture him in a cage, and his most famous quote. |
~ Skinner's last lines in the film as he sees a coloney of rats in the kitchen and gets locked in the freezer along with the health inspector, and his second most famous quote. |
Chef Jonah Robert Skinner, simply known by his surname as Skinner or Chef Skinner, is the former grumpy and short-tempered sous chef turned head chef under the restaurant Gusteau's, as well as the former employer of Linguini in Disney·Pixar's 8th full-length animated feature film Ratatouille. When it becomes apparent that Linguini is the rightful heir in inheriting the restaurant, Skinner secretly schemes to maintain ownership of the restaurant and later had planned to release a new line of frozen foods for his own personal profit, capitalizing on what Gusteau established. He is also Remy's arch-nemesis.
He was voiced by the late Sir Ian Holm, who also portrayed Zerah in Jesus of Nazareth, Ash in Alien, Squealer in the 1999 film adaptation of Animal Farm, Jonas Muller in Renaissance and Sir William Gull in From Hell.
He is a short, slender, half bald, thinly mustached, with light brown skin, hazel green eyes, white chef uniform and white hat.
“ | Move it, garbage boy! You are COOKING?! How DARE you cook in MY kitchen? Where do you get the gall to even attempt something so monumentally idiotic?! I should have you quartered and drawn! I'll do it. I think the law is on my side. Larousse, quarter and drawn this man after you put him in the duck press to squeeze the fat out of his head. | „ |
~ Skinner berating Linguini for "cooking" the soup. |
Chef Skinner is shown to very greedy in nature, and that he hates rats very much and feels the need to act tough. When he discovers Remy is the brains behind Linguini's tasty receipts, he decides to capture Remy and force him to create his own frozen foods for him. Skinner is also bent on claiming the restaurant as his when Auguste Gusteau had no heir.
Chef Skinner was sous-chef under Gusteau but became the head chef after Gusteau's death. In Gusteau's will, it was stated that Skinner would inherit Gusteau's business interests if no heir appeared within two years after the latter's death. Skinner evidently did not hold Gusteau's ideals in the highest regard, and was more interested in personal profit from his line of Chef Gusteau Frozen Foods. This line comprised of several different foreign foods like chicken, haggis, burritos, ribs, and corn dogs in order to appease oversea markets, with Gusteau as its image to woo buyers.
Skinner reluctantly hires Alfredo Linguini to work at the restaurant as the plongeur (garbage boy) when he learns that Linguini's mother Renata, with whom Gusteau was close, requested that Linguini get the job prior to her recent death. He is shocked when Linguini makes a soup that night that impresses a food critic that just happened to be at the restaurant, although it was Remy who cooked it in secret. Suspicious, Skinner forces Linguini to make it again, believing it is all a fluke.
After Linguini and Remy team up, they successfully recreate the soup and impress Skinner. However, they become rivals when Skinner learns that Linguini is Gusteau's biological son, and is determined to keep Linguini from discovering this fact. He becomes even more determined when he sees Linguini making contact with Remy on numerous occasions, suspecting that Linguini is scheming something bad in the restaurant.
He loses the restaurant to Linguini when it comes out that Linguini is the son of the dead chef, as Remy discovered the paternity test results that Skinner tried to steal and gave it to Linguini so that he may assume his rightful place as owner. Linguini later cancels the frozen food line altogether, as it was smearing Gusteau's image.
Skinner spies on Linguini and eventually discovers that Remy is the real cook. To get revenge on both of them, he captures Remy and intends on forcing him to create a new line of frozen foods, while attending the restaurant in disguise to see Linguini fail miserably and endure another scathing review from the famed critic Anton Ego. Fortunately, Remy escapes and had his swarm of rats to help Linguini serve the dishes without attracting any attention from the customers.
To Skinner's amusement, Linguini served him and Ego a simple dish of ratatouille, but is surprised when Ego actually likes it. After Skinner tries his own dish and finds its taste irresistible as well, he races to the kitchen to find that Remy and his colony of rats cooked the dish. The rats are then forced to bind him with the ropes and gags him with duct tape. He is then thrown in the refrigerator along with the health inspector who has been bound and gagged as well.
Despite the restaurant getting a high-star review from Ego for Remy's delicious recipe, the rats were forced to let Skinner and the inspector loose, since they cannot keep them cooped up forever. This allows Skinner and the inspector to report the rat infestation to the health department, causing the restaurant to be closed and his credibility as a critic. Despite the restaurant being closed down, Linguini and Remy manage to open a new successful restaurant called La Ratatouille to serve for both humans and rats alike with the help from Colette and Ego (who now works as a business investor), which means Skinner finally leaves them alone, knowing that it's not worth the trouble.
Other Media[]
Kingdom Keepers III: Disney in Shadow[]
In the 2020 edition of Kingdom Keepers III: Disney in Shadow, Skinner appears as one of the Overtakers and pursues the Keepers through Epcot's Ratatouille attraction.
Disney Heroes: Battle Mode[]
In Disney Heroes: Battle Mode, Skinner appears as an unlockable playable character.
“ | What are you playing at? | „ |
~ Skinner threatening Linguni after the latter thinks that he cooked the soup. |
“ | Get my lawyer! | „ |
~ Skinner after he shockingly read that Linguini is actually Gusteau's son. |
“ | Talon Labarthe: Well, the will stipulates that if after a period of two years from the date of death no heir appears, Gusteau's business interests will pass to his sous chef. You. Chef Skinner: I know what the will stipulates! What I want to know is if this letter... If this boy changes anything! Talon Labarthe: There's not much resemblance. Chef Skinner: There's no resemblance at all. He is not Gusteu's son. Gusteu had no children, and what of the timing of all this? The deadline in the will expires in less than a month! Suddenly, some boy arrives with a letter from his recenlty deceased mother claiming Gusteu is his father? Highly suspect! Talon Labarthe: This is Gusteu's? Chef Skinner: Yes, yes, yes. Talon Labarthe: May I? Chef Skinner: Of course, of course. Talon Labarthe: But the boy does not know. Chef Skinner: She claims she never told him, or Gusteu, and asks that I not tell. Talon Labarthe: Why you? What does she want? Chef Skinner: A job for the boy. Talon Labarthe: Only a job? Chef Skinner: Well, yes. Talon Labarthe: Then what are you worried about? If he works here, you'll be able to keep an eye on him while I do a little digging. Find out how much of this is real. I will need you to collect some DNA samples from the boy. Hair, maybe. Chef Skinner: Mark my words. The whole thing is highly suspect. He knowns something. Talon Labarthe: Relax, he's a garbage boy. I think you can handle him. |
„ |
~ Skinner to his laywer after finding out that Linguini is Guesteau's son and trying to disclaiming about it. |
“ | They are asking for food from LINGUINI?! | „ |
~ Skinner after angrilly hearing from Mustafa that the customers asked for Linguini soup. |
“ | Chef Skinner: Toasting your success, eh, Linguini? Good for you. Alfredo Linguini: I just took it to be polite, I don't really drink. you know. Chef Skinner: Of course you don't. I wouldn't either if I was drinking that. But you would have to be an idiot of elephantine proportions not to appreciate this '61 Chateau Latour. And you, Monsieur Linguini, are no idiot. Let us toast your non-idiocy. |
„ |
~ Skinner making a "toast" with Linguini of not being an idiot as the latter to get him drunk to give him more information about him and Remy. |
“ | Chef Skinner: More wine? Alfredo Linguini: I shouldn't, but... Okay. Chef Skinner: So, where did you train, Linguin? Alfredo Linguini: Train? All right. Chef Skinner: Surely you don't expect me to believe this is your first time cooking? Alfredo Linguini: It's not. Chef Skinner: I knew it! Alfredo Linguni: It's my... Second, third, fourth... Fifth time. Monday was my first time. But I've taken out the garbage lots of times before that... Chef Skinner: Yes, yes. Have some more wine. Tell me, Linguini, about your interests. Do you like animals? Alfredo Linguini (chuckled): What? Animals? What kind? Chef Skinner: The usual, dogs, cats, guinea pigs, horses... rats. |
„ |
~ Skinner asking Linguini about he's cooking method and asking him does he have pets such as rats while getting him drunk to get information. |
“ | Chef Skinner: Have you had a pet rat? Alfredo Linguini: No. Chef Skinner: Did you work in a lab with rats? Alfredo Linguini: No. Chef Skinner: Perhaps you lived in squalor at some point? Alfredo Linguini: Nopety nopety no. Chef Skinner: YOU KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT RATS! YOU KNOW YOU DO! Alfredo Linguni: You know who know to do whacka-doo. Ratta-tatta. Hey! Why do they call it that? Chef Skinner: What? Alfredo Linguini : Ratatouille. It's like a stew, right? Why do they call it that? If you're going to name a food, you should give it a name that sound delicious. Ratatouille doesn't sound delicious. It sounds like "rat" and "patootie". Rat patootie. Which does not sound delicious. Chef Skinner: Regrettably... We are all out of wine. |
„ |
~ Linguini foreshadowing telling Skinner about the dish would be call as Ratatouille after asking him about his relation with rats. |
“ | Chef Skinner: No, no, no, no, no, no, NOOOO! Talon Labarthe: The DNA matches, the timing works, everything checks out. He is Gusteau's son. Chef Skinner: This can't just happen! The whole thing is a setup! The boy knows! Look at him out there, pretending to be an idiot. He's toying with my mind like a cat with a ball of... Something. Talon Labarthe: String? Chef Skinner: Yes! Playing dumb. Taunting me with that rat. Talon Labarthe: Rat? Chef Skinner: Yes. He's consorting with it. Deliberately trying to make me think it's important. Talon Labarthe: The rat. Chef Skinner: Exaclty! Talon Labarthe: Is the rat important? Chef Skinner: Of course not! He just wants me to THINK that it is. Oh. I see the theatricality of it. A rat appears on the boy's first night, I order him to kill it. And now he wants me to see it everywhere. (excitedly) Ooh! It's here! No, it isn't, It's here! Am I seeing things, am I crazy? Is there a phantom rat or is there not? But, oh, no! I refused to be sucked into his little game of... Talon Labarthe: Should I be concerned about this? About you? |
„ |
~ Skinner and his laywer after finding out that Linguini is Guesteau's son and the latter of thinking Remy accomplise along with Linguini. |
“ | Chef Skinner: I can't fire him. He's getting attention. If I fire him now, everyone will wonder why. And the last thing I want is people looking into this. Talon Labarthe: What are you so worried about? Isn't it good to have the press? Isn't it good to have Gusteau's name getting headlines? Chef Skinner: Not if they're over his face! Gustea's already has a face, and it's fat and lovable and familar. And it sells burritos! Millions and millions of burritos! Talon Labarthe: The deadline passes in three days. Then you can fire him whenever he ceases to be valuable and no one will ever know. I was worried about the hair sample you gave me. I had to send them back to the lab. Chef Skinner: Why? Talon Labarthe: Because the first time it came back identified as rodent hair. |
„ |
~ Skinner to his lawyer that he would either fire him or not after the latter his relationship with Remy and confirmed he's Gusteau's son. |
“ | Health Insepctor: Health Inspector. Chef Skinner: I wish to report a rat infestation. It's taken over my res... uh Gusteu's resturant. Health Inspector: Gusteu's, eh? I can drop by. Let's see. First opening is three months. Chef Skinner: It must happen now! It's a gourmet resturant! Health Inspector: Monsieur, I have the infromation. If someone cancels, I'll slot you in. Chef Skinner: But- but- but- but the rat! You must... It stole my documents. |
„ |
~ Skinner calling the health inspector in order to take down Remy's infestation at Gustea's resturant. |
“ | The rat is the cook. | „ |
~ Skinner shocked as he saw that Remy is the cook. |
“ | So, I have in mind a simple arrangement. You will create for me a new line of Chef Skinner frozen foods. And I, in return, will not kill you. (snickering) Au revoir, rat! | „ |
~ Skinner blackmailing Remy. |
“ | No, it can't be. | „ |
~ Skinner after he tatses the Ratatouille dish. |
“ | Ratatouille? They must be joking. | „ |
~ Skinner doubting the Ratatouile dish. |
- Paul Bettany, Steve Carell, Sam Rockwell, Adrien Brody, Crispin Glover, Justin Long, Will Forte, and Jack Black were all considered to voice Chef Skinner before the late Ian Holm was cast.
- Skinner's name is a nod to the late behavioral psychologist B. F. Skinner, who was famous for his experiments with rats.[1]
- Skinner's behavior, diminutive size, and body language are loosely based on the late Louis de Funès.
- Skinner's line: "Welcome to Hell," could be reference to Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen, where Ramsay said, "Welcome to Hell," a few times.
- Skinner using a footstool to get up to a stove references to an old emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte who to this day is mocked for being short for his age.
- Skinner is one of the few main Pixar villains to succeed in his plans (and his is to vengefully shut down Gusteau's after being out of his job there), with the other three being Chick Hicks from Cars (although his victory is very pyrrhic when he was booed by the angry fans furious on what he did to The King), Gabby Gabby from Toy Story 4 (despite turning good at the end, in addition with the help of Woody and his friends which led to her redemption) and Ernesto de la Cruz from Coco (despite his plan being foiled after stealing Hector’s glory for years).
- In the video game adaptation of the film, Skinner's fate is different from the movie. Instead of being locked into the refrigerator and being released shortly thereafter to close down the restaurant, Skinner is accidentally crushed by the chandelier while chasing Remy throughout the restaurant, furious by the food's delicacy he made for Anton Ego. The restaurant is still exposed for a rat infestation though, but Remy decides to open up the new La Ratatouille restaurant with the help of Linguini. Skinner is last shown watching in anger finding out Linguini opening-up the new La Ratatouille restaurant, with Remy as its head chef.
- Despite closing down Gusteau's in both the movie and the video game, Skinner is still Remy's adversary, as he appears as a boss in the PSP version of Ratatouille: The Video Game, which takes place after the events of the film.
- Skinner is one of the last characters played by Ian Holm before his retirement in 2014, and his death in 2020.
- He is one of the few Disney villains to say hell in a G-rated film, alongside Frollo and Maleficent.
External Links[]
- Chef Skinner on the Disney Wiki
- Chef Skinner on the Pixar Wiki
- Chef Skinner on the Ratatouille Wiki
- Chef Skinner on the Villainous Benchmark Wiki
- Chef Skinner on the Villains Wiki
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