Antagonists Wiki

Charlie Stubbs Was a local builder who began a relationship With Shelly Unwin who he psychologically abused ,cheated on and tried to isolate from her friends and family.When Shelly Canceled their Wedding Charlie tried kidnapping her  in a car to talk to her but she escaped and went back to her loved ones Who were happy for her.regardless Charlie Saved Dev and Sunita Alahan who were being gagged in a flat by Dev,s ex Maya Sharma and defended Roy Cropper Who was being bullied by a builder named Vince when nobody else would or could.Charlie later began Seeing Tracy Barlow and combine her to have her daughter Amy move in with her parents Ken and Deirdre.Tracy then manipulated Charlie.she pretended to be pregnant and used the money Charlie gave to her for an abortion to buy expensive shoes.she then exploited her "greif" to guilt Charlie into letting her move in.after getting Tracy to confess to her lie Charlie Warned her not  to cross him again.Charlie Made an enemy out of pensioner Keith Appleyard who had refused to pay a roofing bill for him.Charlie then tore the tiles of Keith,s roof.he then bought the property and spitefully evicted Keith  much to the disgust of the locals.Charlie successfully planned to bed Shelly to prove he would always have a hold over her.Shelly told Tracy of the fling but Charlie denied it.Shelly later retracted her statement while speaking to her mother claiming her One-night stand With Charlie Was a lie designed to ruin his relationship with Tracy.Tracy overheard this,humiliating Shelly and reconciling With Charlie.When it later transpired that Shelly Was pregnant and that the baby was Charlie,s Tracy was furious.Charlie blamed Shelly for the bad state of his relationship With Tracy and went round to threaten her.he came close to attacking her but refrained himself.Charlie also manipulated Maria Connor and initiated an affair with her.he lied that he and Tracy were going through a rough patch and staged a burglary at Maria,s so she,s rely on  him emotionally.When David Platt tried using Charlie,s affair With Maria to blackmail him Charlie tried intimidating him by drowning him in the bathtub only Maria,s intervention stopped Charlie.When the affair Was discovered she began manipulating things to make it seem like Charlie had been abusing her.she pretended her brother Peter Was a partner of hers leading him to brutally beat him.ultimately Tracy Murdered Charlie hoping she could claim it was self-defense but the jury saw through her lies and the judge  sentenced her to prison.
