Antagonists Wiki

Chancellor Neighsay, or simply, Neighsay, is a male unicorn pony who first appears as the antagonist of the season eight premiere School Daze. He is the head of the Equestrian Education Association, or EEA, a board of scholars who oversee all schools in Equestria.


Chancellor Neighsay is portrayed as very strict and conservative, insistent that all schools under the EEA's authority follow its guidelines. He quickly develops a grudge against Twilight for dismissing those guidelines. He is convinced that his way of doing things is the right way, and allows no other opinions to dissuade him, even disregarding Princess Celestia herself supporting Twilight's decisions. He even demonstrating his slightly tyrannical point of view, as he was enraged at Twilight and the others for standing up to him.

He is also very prejudiced towards non-pony creatures, openly describing them as dangerous and even going as far as to disrespect them while in their presence. When magic starts disappearing from Equestria, he assumes that Twilight's non-pony students are responsible. This prejudice can also make him a bad judge of character and borderline naive, as he quickly gave credit to Flim and Flam's Friendship University just because of the pony-only enviroment of the university, in spite of the two being known con-artists. This also led him to free Sandbar when he claimed to agree with his views, not seeing anything suspicious on him suddenly and abruptly betraying his friends.

Despite his rough personality, however, he does appear to care for the quality of education and the safety of pony students, justifying his actions and beliefs as being for the greater good of Equestria. When Cozy Glow takes over the School of Friendship and betrayed him, he became remorseful over his actions, recognizing his prejudice and how he treated others. After being rescued by the Young Six and foiling Cozy Glow's scheme, Neighsay shows a kinder and more tolerant attitude, apologizing for his prejudice and finally showing acceptance of Twilight's institution.
