“ | My name is Cell. I'm an android. | „ |
~ Cell to Piccolo. |
“ | You see, I'm perfect, my strength is perfect, and with that I shall bring about equally perfect destruction. | „ |
~ Cell's most famous quote in the Funimation dub of Dragon Ball Z Kai. |
“ | Oh, must you always treat everything like it's the end of the world? There is no secret purpose. I simply want to get as much out of this planet as I can before I destroy it. I have proven that I am unstoppable. Neither you or your friends are any threat to me now. However, there is one that I want to test my complete power against. I want you to bring me Goku. This tournament is sure to be a guaranteed hit. Everyone will be watching me. I just can't wait to see that look of panic and fear. | „ |
~ Cell explaining his motivation behind the Cell Games to Future Trunks. |
“ | Once I've finished tearing this world into pieces, I'll just use Goku's Instant Transmission technique to move onto other planets. That is my destiny! I am the universe's end! | „ |
~ Cell |
Cell is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Kid Buu) of the Dragon Ball franchise.
He is an insect-like Bio-Android hailing from an alternate timeline who seeks to gain power through bloodshed and reach his ultimate, perfect form by absorbing his sibling Androids. He is the most powerful and dangerous of all Dr. Gero's creations, created for the sole purpose of being the "Perfect Warrior" and destroying Goku and the Z-Fighters. His very genetic makeup is derived from the cells of the greatest warriors in the universe, including Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Yamcha, Krillin, Tenshinhan, Chiaotzu, Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, Frieza, and King Cold, making Cell one of Goku and Vegeta's most dangerous foes. He is also the archenemy of Gohan and Android 16.
After his death by Gohan, Cell was sentenced to Hell by King Yemma.
He was voiced by Norio Wakamoto in Japanese, who also voiced Kengo Aiba in Tekkaman Blade, Suikakujū in Urotsukidōji, and M. Bison throughout the Street Fighter franchise. Dale Wilson voiced him in the Ocean English dub, whilst Dameon Clarke voiced him, and also played Handsome Jack in Borderlands, Christopher R. Sabat in Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2, Travis Willingham in Raging Blast to Battle of Z, and Jim Foronda in DBZ Kai in the Funimation dub, and Ben Jeffery in Blue Water dub in English.
“ | In the end, when I'm the victor, I will kill every single human being on this planet. I'll come methodically after every last one of you, and I'll watch your faces twist with fear. | „ |
~ Cell showing his sadistic and misanthropic side. |
Cell's personality has differed between his various forms. At first, the only thing driving him was his desire to attain his perfect form, curious to see its limits, and was very thoughtful, cautious, sneaky, arrogant, cruel, traitorous, manipulative, and calculating, not going after the Androids, since he knew he could not beat them. After attaining his Semi-Perfect form, Cell became much more brash, impatient, obstreperous, destructive, and cunning, as he relied less on strategy, using brute force. However, he still shows some cunning when he plays with Vegeta's love for having a good fight and uses it to make Vegeta back down so that he can absorb #18. He was also narcissistic, as he views himself as attractive in this form.
Upon becoming Perfect, his personality became a combination of the people whose cells he possessed. Cell had Piccolo's coolness, knowledge, and cunning, Vegeta's confidence and pride, Goku's laid-back attitude and love of fighting, and Frieza's conceitedness, polite mannerisms, and sadism. He is unique and exceptional in that he has no desire for conquest, immortality, or power and instead seeks only entertainment and to test the limits of his perfection, well as prove it to the universe, by destroying it, not caring if it would need up killing himself as well. This makes him an even more reckless and corrupt version of Goku as he doesn't even show basic compassion. He also does not value hard work as much as most of his power stems from draining the life of other's life force and due to Gero's design, he only hard to start training before the Cell Games.
Cell is actually quite advantageous, knowledgeable, and intelligent, as he (in the manga) compliments his opponents' abilities. Later, he wanted only to unleash annihilation upon the universe and on anything he considered imperfect or, to put it bluntly, anything besides himself. In all forms, he retains Frieza's sadism: while created evil, he is still fully conscious of the morality (or lack thereof) of his actions and commits them because he wants to. His stated that the reason for wanting to destroy humanity is simply to see the looks of terror on their faces before they die.
“ | I must give Dr. Gero credit for his brilliant design. | „ |
~ Cell's feeling for Dr. Gero. |
Upon returning from destruction with his perfect form further boosted by Saiyan genetics, Cell is shown to applaud his creator, Dr. Gero, and for his design. This shows that despite being purely evil, Cell has some degree of respect for his creator for all his efforts, although this line could just be another indicator of Cell's vanity. No matter how much Cell respects Gero, he makes it clear throughout the series that he ultimately cared very little about him.
After his death, he surprisingly gets along well with Frieza in hell; even teaming up with him, King Cold, and most of the Ginyu Force to escape. He also retains his sadism from his life when he tried to kill one of the ogres by throwing him on a pit of spikes. Despite appearing to like Frieza at first, other media reveal that the pair despised each other with Cell's self-centered pride making even Frieza feel annoyed. The game Dragon Ball FighterZ also displays how callous Cell became after his death, losing much of what charm from the time he spent in Hell and the seething anger he held for Gohan defeating him.
Overall, despite his inception as Android, Cell is a vainglorious sadist who is well aware of the difference between right and wrong, even reveling in the chaos and death he causes. He willingly strayed away from his programming to seek the ability to torment all life that wasn't his own, before destroying them all as though it were nothing. At best, Cell sees every living being as his cosmic playthings, granted to him to use at will, and toss out when they can't provide him a challenge. At worst, Cell sees life as worthless entities, with no purpose but his own amusement and to propel his transformation into his Perfect form.
Powers and Abilities[]
Cell possesses superhuman natural abilities and the ability to manipulate energy in the form of blasts and flight. He has only one unique ability of his own, absorption, though how he does this differs depending on what he is absorbing. For the normal people he absorbed in his Imperfect form, Cell impales them with his tail and absorbs their whole body, leaving only their clothes behind. For Androids 17 and 18 and Goku in GT, he absorbs them by widening the opening of his stinger and simply swallowing them whole. Cell has the signature techniques of all of the people whose cells composed him, including the Kamehameha wave, Death Saucer, and Death Beam. He also inherited Piccolo's regenerative powers, but far more powerful, to the point where he could regenerate from only one cell and Frieza and King Cold's ability to survive in space.
Cell can absorb people through his tail. Cell has two main methods of absorbing a victim. One way is he can stab the victim with his stinger, and he can drink the victims' insides until they become nothing but a heap of clothing (if they wore any). The second method is Cell opens the stinger like a large mouth that sucks the opponent into his body. When Cell absorbs someone, he becomes stronger and gains some of their techniques. The only downside as shown during his battle against Gohan is that if hit hard enough, it is possible for Cell to throw up someone that he already absorbed.
Cell possesses a nucleus inside his head that allows him to infinitely regenerate as long as it is undamaged. Therefore, the only way to truly kill Cell is to destroy every single atom of his being to ensure his destruction. The regeneration is a Namekian attribute granted by Piccolo's DNA.
Saiyan Power[]
This technique has only been displayed by his Perfect Form. And it is unknown if his previous forms can also use Saiyan Power. Known commonly as a Zenkai Boost, this technique allows Cell to become significantly stronger after sustaining a life-threatening injury. The more severe the injury, the stronger the boost will be. Notably, after Cell's apparent death by self-destruction, Cell was able to obtain his powerful Super Perfect Form upon regeneration, allowing him to surpass his Perfect form in power. This is an attribute granted by the Saiyan DNA in his genes. As Saiyans can transform after intense moments of emotion, the Saiyan cells only further Cell's maximum potential - even going as far as to grant equivalents to Super Saiyan in alternate media.
Special Beam Cannon[]
Both his Imperfect and Perfect forms have displayed this technique. It was originally Piccolo's.
One of Goku's signature techniques that Cell acquired from Goku's DNA. Cell can use several of his own unique versions of the Kamehameha. Including the Super Kamehameha.
Negative Power Rain[]
A technique used in his Semi-Perfect Form. Cell punches and kicks his opponent into the air, then fires nine red energy blasts down at them.
Ultimate Blitz[]
A stronger yellow version of Negative Power Rain used by Perfect Cell. The blasts are stronger, yellow, and are fired rapidly like a missile volley.
Solar Flare[]
A technique originally developed by Tien Shinhan. He used this in both his Imperfect and Semi-Perfect forms.
Afterimage Strike[]
A defensive technique taken from Goku's DNA.
A technique used in his Imperfect Form used against Android 16. To use it, Cell crouches down and charges a yellow aura around his body. Then, he charges at the opponent at high speed using the yellow aura as a shield, inflicting a great deal of damage.
Zetsumei Bullet[]
An executive technique originally named See Ya used by Imperfect Cell. To use it, Cell charges at the opponent and punches them away onto the ground, breaking their neck. Then, he walks toward the opponent and picks them up with his left hand as he places his right hand over their chest. Finally, Imperfect Cell shouts "See you!" (in Raging Blast) or "Goodbye!" (in Raging Blast 2) as he fires a large yellow energy wave through the opponent's chest, inflicting a massive amount of damage.
Prelude to Perfect Form[]
A Power-Up technique used by Imperfect Cell. Cell powers up a yellow aura that shows the souls of the humans he absorbed throughout the Imperfect Cell Saga. Because of this source of energy, which Piccolo estimates to be made up of thousands of absorbed people, Cell's power increases exponentially when he activates it, allowing him to continue completely dominating Piccolo (who had earlier absorbed Kami, making him able to fight Android 17 on an even basis) and put him in a near-death like state. His life being saved just in time with a Senzu Bean.
Destruction Blast[]
Originally named Big Bang Crash. A technique that is a take-on of Vegeta's Big Bang Attack. It is used in his Semi-Perfect Form. To use it, he extends his hand forward and forms a red sphere of energy. Then, he shouts "Take this!" and fires the attack at the opponent, inflicting a high amount of damage and even creating a large red dome of energy upon contact.
Super Big Bang Crash[]
A barrage of Big Bang Crashes. The blasts from this attack are much more powerful and can cover a very large radius.
Galick Gun[]
One of Vegeta's signature attacks. Semi-Perfect Cell uses a weaker version of this against Super Vegeta (2nd Grade Super Saiyan Vegeta) in an attempt to phase and damage him. Neither of which succeeded.
Like the other Red Ribbon Androids, Semi-Perfect Cell is able to Self-Destruct himself with enough firepower to destroy an entire planet. However, unlike his predecessors, Cell's version is called Unforgivable. And instead of a bomb inside his chest, Cell's version is instead him inflating to a massively obese size and exploding within one minute. If Cell is damaged prior to this, he will detonate automatically.
Cell possesses strong Telekinetic abilities, able to easily lift entire mountains and carve them. This ability is presumed to be from Frieza.
Destructo Disc[]
A technique originally developed by Krillin. Cell uses this technique in his Perfect Form (and Semi-Perfect in video games only).
Light Grenade[]
A technique originally developed by Piccolo. Cell only uses it in his Semi-Perfect Form in Supersonic Warriors 2.
A technique origially developed by Tien.
Vocal Manipulation[]
Cell is capable of mimicking the voices of his absorbed victims and previous forms. As well as amplify the volume of them so they can be heard hundreds of miles away.
Perfect Combination[]
Cell charges at the opponent and kicks them up into the air. Then, he flies after the opponent and attacks them with a powerful punching and kicking barrage before slapping them away. Finally, Cell moves above the opponent and elbows them in their back, knocking them down into the ground and inflicting a high amount of damage.
Solid Hammer[]
As he shouts "Show me your full power!", Perfect Cell double axe-handle punches the opponent. Then, he side kicks the opponent away and flies after them to punch them in their stomach. Finally, Perfect Cell puts his hand forward and knocks the opponent away with a Kiai, inflicting a huge amount of damage. The attack was originally named Fear Me.
Perfect Finisher[]
Cell slaps his opponent away, leaving them unconscious on the ground, completely helpless. Cell then fires an incredibly powerful Finger Beam at them, dealing massive damage. The attack was used against Vegeta in his Super Perfect Form. It was originally named Time to Die.
Punishment Storm[]
The attack Cell used to destroy earth's military. To use it, Cell raises his left hand in the air and charges his energy enough to completely shroud the hand. Cell then fires the attack by turning in a complete circle while swinging his hand, creating many powerful explosions to his surroundings and inflicting a huge amount of damage. It was Originally named All Clear.
Perfect Barrier[]
Cell's ultimate defense mechanism. A large purple Ki Barrier that has never been penetrated and damages anything it touches. While very protective, it tires Cell out when used for long periods.
Death Beam[]
One of Frieza's signature techniques. It is a magenta colored laser fired from the finger tip used to quickly and painfully kill targets. Cell uses both the regular and the Barrage variant.
Perfect Death Beam[]
Originally called Full Power Death Beam. It is a technique Cell got from King Cold. It is a fatter and yellow version of the Death Beam.
Instant Transmission[]
The ability originally learned by Goku from the Yardrats. Cell used this after his seemingly deathly destruction on King Kai's planet to return to earth and resume his fight with the Z Fighters.
Spirit Bomb[]
While never displayed in the Anime or Manga; Cell mentioned that he could use the Spirit Bomb. And he actually shown to in videogames. He is also capable of using the Super Spirit Bomb.
Originally one of Tien's techniques, Cell used this technique into four parts against Goku but weakened due to the side-effect its ability.
Death Slicer[]
Originally one of Frieza's techniques, Cell used this attack against Goku. More commonly known as Death Saucer.
Physic Move[]
Another one of Frieza's techniques. It is only used by Cell as an Evasive Technique in the Xenoverse game series.
Death Ball[]
Cell is also capable of using Frieza's Death Ball. As well as the advanced Supernova Death Ball.
Hell's Buster[]
Also known as All Mighty Lightcage. This is a team attack that he and Frieza developed in Hell together. To use it, both Cell and Frieza begin to glow, then a yellow ki emits from both of their bodies, which then envelops their opponent, trapping him/her in an inescapable ki orb. Then, both the users throws the orb prison down into the deepest part of Hell with the prisoner in it.
This is where the prisoner will suffer the four stages of Enma's Terrible Torture Tour: Soup Bath of Hell: The victim bathes in a huge pot of soup. This is mainly to embarrass the victim.
- Ticklish Hands of Hell: The victim is strapped to a chair and is tickled by a group of hands, making him/her to laugh to tears.
- Boiling Sauna of Hell: The victim is placed in a very hot sauna, boiling him/her alive.
- Freezing Thundra of Hell: The last stage of Hell. This is where the victim is placed in the middle of a frozen wasteland to freeze. Along with that is a huge machine that encases the victim in soul-laced ice crystals, which gets stronger if struggled against. If the victim is a resident of Other World, then the frozen body can be shattered (but later repaired). If the victim is of the living realm, then the ice would melt due to the living heat energy, and the victim would break free.
Dual Tech[]
Another team attack with Frieza that combines Frieza's Full Power Death Beam and Cell's Ultimate Blitz for devastating results.
Cellular Mitosis[]
Cell uses this to create Cell Jrs. He is also capable of performing the Father-Son Kamehameha with them.
Full Power Death Beam[]
Originally King Cold's technique, Cell used this attack to severely injure and kill Trunks.
Earth-Destroying Kamehameha[]
A much larger and more powerful version of the Super Kamehameha that Cell used desperately against Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.
Perfect Kamehameha[]
More commonly known as the Solar Kamehameha. It is Cell's ultimate attack used exclusively in his Super Perfect Form. It is an extremely large Kamehameha that is capable of destroying the entire solar system (hence the name).
Power Level[]
Cell's power level is listed at 900,000,000 in Dragon Ball Z: Scouter Battle Kamehameha. However, it increases even higher to 1,079,956,055 in a special mission in the game. Since Super Saiyan 2 is believed to multiply its user's base form's power level 100 times what it was originally. And given that Super Perfect Cell is reminiscent of a Super Saiyan 2. Cell's power level in his Super Perfect form could quite possibly be 90,000,000,000 (or 107,995,605,500 in GT). Or if his Perfect Form is thought of as his Equivalent of a Super Saiyan, it would be 1,800,000,000 (2,159,912,110 in GT).
Forms and Transformations[]
Cell takes on this form while he is growing in Dr. Gero's lab, he is completely immobile and does not have any developed features.
Cell, after being born, is already very intelligent and quite powerful compared to other life forms. He is quadrupedal in this state.
Imperfect Cell[]
Cell's 1st bipedal form. Cell takes on this form after emerging from his larval state and before absorbing Artificial Humans 17 and 18, in this form Cell possess high power, though not as strong as a Super Saiyan, Super Namek, or any of the Androids. He now has a tail which he can use to absorb other beings in order to gain power. His color palette is emerald green and lime green with black spots and orange sections on the abdomen, back head and mouth, along with black sections on the chest and forehead and an emerald green and black tail and has two wings that are also emerald green with black spots. He also has two sections on his head that are shaped like a boomerang. After absorbing several thousand humans, Cell ends up surpassing both Piccolo and Android 17 and matching 16 in power.
This is Cell's equivalent of Base Saiyan, Base Namekian, and Restricted Arcosian 1.
Semi-Perfect Cell[]
Cell's 2nd bipedal form. Cell takes on this form after absorbing either Artificial Human 17 or 18 as he becomes humanoid, his power skyrockets in this form to be able to outmatch the Saiyans, Namekians, and fellow Androids. Vegeta's cells take more prominence in this state. He has the same color palette from his Imperfect form, but with black arms and legs and an orange and black tail and the black section on his forehead becomes ball-like and has pink lips and a black section on the upper lip. His feet also became boot-like and the two sections on his head become a straight V-shape. Unlike his previous form and his next form, this form does not have wings. In this form, he is powerful enough to nearly kill 16 with one hit.
This is Cell's equivalent to Restricted Arcosian 2.
Perfect Cell[]
Cell's final form. Cell takes on this form after absorbing both Artificial Humans 17 and 18 and becomes completely humanoid. In this form Cell's power further skyrockets to surpass even an Ascended Super Saiyan. His color palette is completely light green with dark green spots, yellow, white and black with two purple stripes on his face. He also regains his wings from his Imperfect form, but are completely black instead of emerald green with black spots. He also has the same boot-like feet and the straight V-shaped sections on his head with the black ball-like section on his forehead from his Semi-Perfect form. Unlike his last two forms, his tail is now retracted. In this form he is more powerful than even Full-Power Super Saiyan Goku, but far weaker than Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.
This is Cell's equivalent to Full-Power Super Saiyan.
This is Cell's weakest form, he takes this form after absorbing Artificial Human 17, and the absorbing Kuririn by mistake. Cell does not actually use this form and it only appears in a dream he had while waiting for the Cell games. His color palette is orange, yellow, pink, and dark purple instead of light green, yellow, white and black from his Perfect form. This form also resembles a Cell Jr..
This is Cell's equivalent to Base Human.
A form that Cell takes when he is being outclassed by Super Saiyan 2 Gohan. In this form, Cell's height doubles, his muscles grow huge and his voice deepens. His power becomes greater and implied to be on par with a Super Saiyan 2 but his speed is slower than any of Cell's other forms.
This is Cell's equivalent to Ultra Super Saiyan, Great Namek, and 100% Full Power Frieza.
Super Perfect Cell[]
Cell's most powerful form in the anime and manga. Cell takes on this form after receiving a huge Zenkai from blowing himself up. He also regains his Perfect form but gain more saiyan cells, despite losing Android 18 in the fight with Super Saiyan 2 Gohan.
This is Cell's equivalent to Super Saiyan 2.
Majin Cell[]
A form displayed in several video games where he is resurrected by Babidi. Perfect Majin Cell has the power of a Super Saiyan 2, so it is likely that if he went Super Perfect Majin Cell his power would double.
Ghost Warrior[]
A form that Cell takes after being resurrected by Hatchiyack, his power is amplified due to his hatred of Saiyans.
Villainous Mode[]
“ | Did you think telling me that little story would somehow make me afraid of you? Well, it hasn't. It's only made me more eager to piss you off. | „ |
~ Cell (in Villainous Mode)'s response to Gohan wanting to stop the battle. |
Like many villains in the game, Cell also gains a Villainous Mode. dark star mode form cell take when he get dark dragon ball and in this form cell is able to over power ssj2 teen gohan
Cell-X is the monster form of Cell in Dragon Ball Heroes and Dragon Ball Online Cell is more of a giant in this form and has four legs making him more insect like.
- Gohan- Arch Enemy, Killer, and Attempted Victim
- Goku- Attempted victim, indirect victim and second worst foe.
- Pikkon
- Android #16- Victim
- Piccolo- Attempted Victim
- Krillin- Attempted Victim
- Yamcha- Attempted Victim
- Tien- Attempted victim
- Caroni
- Pirozhki
- Vegeta- Pawn and attempted victim
- Future Trunks- Victim
- Hercule Satan- Attempted victim
- Android #17- Indirect victim
- Android #18
- Android #21
Frieza- Dragon Ball Fighter Z
Victims of Cell |
Cell is frequently named one of the best Dragon Ball villains, along with Frieza, Broly, Super Buu, and Goku Black, especially in the western world. He gave birth to the Shoop Da Whoop internet meme, which is based on a face he makes while in his second form. Furthermore, many fans expressed a desire to see his return to the series; some even saying that they wished his return instead of Frieza during Super's Universal Survival Arc. Despite this, he didn't appear due to being hard to animate and being less popular in Japan. His clone, Cell Max, however appears in the 3-D movie, Super Hero since he was more easier to animate due to being 3-D.
- When Cell absorbs Android 18, this marks the point in which Dragon Ball Z 's sub-theme of tails diminishes. This is seemingly symbolized by Cell's tail retracting when he transforms into his perfect form.
- When Semi-Perfect Cell screamed in frustration, it became a meme known as Shoop da Whoop or "Imma firin mah lazor!".
- Cell is the second person to succeed in killing Goku, and the first villain to ever kill him, as Piccolo Jr was good when he killed Goku. Both, times were also in part a self-sacrifice by Goku.
- Of the three main villains (Frieza, Cell, and Buu), he is the only one to not kill Krillin. (Ironically his present counterpart is killed by Krillin) Counting Vegeta, he is one of the two to not kill Krillin.
- It is interesting to note that Cell has killed Trunks twice and been killed by Trunks twice. The main Cell strangled Trunks of his (Cell's) future with his tail and killed Trunks of his (Trunks) future with a Death Beam, though in this instance he was revived. Cell's present counterpart was destroyed by Trunks while in larval form, and his counterpart from Trunks future was destroyed by Trunks in his Imperfect form, though the main Cell was killed by Gohan.
- Out of the four main villains of Dragon Ball Z (Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, and Majin Buu), Cell is the only one who didn't have a Spirit Bomb launched at him.
- In the original manga, Imperfect Cell has three fingers, but in the anime, he has five fingers.
- Semi-Perfect Cell is the only form of Cell to lack wings.In addition to being Akira Toriyama's favorite form he gets the least screen time compared to his first and final forms,however Cell Max from Superhero does resemble Semi Perfect Cell.
- Ironically, despite being created to kill Goku, Cell has the least personal connection to him compared to Frieza and other villains only fighting Goku for sport and they have little hate for each other and have some respect for each other, he is more of an archenemy to Gohan and Future Trunks than he is to Goku. That said, he does hold a grudge against Goku for tricking him into fighting Gohan, knowing that he would lose.
- The scene in which Cell feels fear upon facing Gohan in the Dragon Ball Z episode "Cell's Break Down" has become a well-known Internet meme in Latin America. In the Latin Spanish dubbed version of the episode, the Narrator says "At that moment, Cell felt the true terror", translated as "En ese momento, Cell sintió el verdadero terror". The meme is commonly used to mock about villains from other franchises before their defeats, stating that they felt the true terror before being defeated/killed.
- Cell in Modern dragon Ball media gets less attention in super compared to Vegeta, who becomes the deuteragonist,Frieza was became a recurring villain after being revived twice, and gained two new transformations,and Buu appears as a supporting character with his evil self kid Buu being reference and his reincarnation into Uub. Due to his difficult to animated in 2d and while popular in the west, he is less popular in japan thus not that marketable that much. Even in recent video games like the first Xenoverse his arc is shorter than the other villains. However He does play a major role in fighter and his clone Cell max was one of the antagonists of the 3d movie superhero as it was easier to animate him than in 2d.
External Links[]
- Cell on the Villains Wiki
- Cell on the Pure Chaotic Wiki
- Cell on the Dragon Ball Wiki
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Saiyan Army Galactic Frieza Army Garlic Jr.'s Clan Red Ribbon Androids Babidi's Majins Majin Buu's Forms Other Video Game Exclusive See Also |
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Machine Mutants Army of Hell Shadow Dragons Pilaf Gang Other See Also |
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Dragon Ball: Naruto: Bleach: One Piece: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Yu-Gi-Oh!: Fist of the North Star: Death Note: Hunter x Hunter: Yu Yu Hakusho: Assassination Classroom: Rurouni Kenshin: Original characters: |