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Antagonists Wiki
You see how easily you are forgotten, Impmon? There's simply no place for you in the human world.
~ Caturamon, to Impmon.

Caturamon is the tertiary, later secondary antagonist of Digimon Tamers. He is the leader of the Devas who works for the Sovereign, Zhuqiaomon.


Caturamon is an Ultimate Level Digimon that resembles a blue armored monster-like dog. He also has the ability to shape-shift into a hammer.

Digimon Tamers[]

Caturamon works for Zhuqiaomon, and is the leader of the Devas.

After Impmon was defeated by Indramon, Caturamon contacted him from the Digital World and promised him the power he did not have. However Impmon then had to destroy the Tamers and although at first reluctant Impmon finally agreed. Caturamon then brought him back to the Digital World and took Impmon to where Zhuqiaomon gave him the power to Digivolve to Beelzemon. After Beelzemon had defeated Infermon, Caturamon ordered him to destroy the Tamers and later brought him to the Tamers. Caturamon made himself known to the Tamers on two occasions: one where he abducted Calumon and brought him to the Sovereigns and another where he tried to kill Lopmon for her betrayal. The latter ended up with Caturamon being destroyed by Gallantmon after he mortally injured Terriermon with his Treasure Mallet attack. Beelzemon took advantage of his proprietor's death by absorbing his data (it's implied he had been planning on doing this at some point himself, as he called Caturamon a filthy dog, and said he'd gotten what he deserved), and giving him a power boost in the process. As he died, he screamed, "LONG LIVE THE SOVEREIGN!!!" before being absorbed by Beelzemon.

Apparently he competes with Makuramon for praise from their master and detests humans just as much as the other Deva with Lopmon being the exception, as he voiced his disgust while Suzie Wong clung to Lopmon.


Caturamon serves the Four Holy Beasts member, Baihumon, he is one of the Twelve Devas. He serves as leader of the Devas, because he has the personality that if he cannot point to something clearly, he won't act on a hunch. He can change into the "Treasure Mallet".



  • Like Makuramon, Caturamon is a more major villain than any of the other Devas, second only in number of episode appearances to Makuramon and Antylamon/Lopmon (who switches sides) and the one who made the deal with Impmon to digivolve him into Beelzemon the first time.
  • Caturamon is given a similarity to the devil due to Impmon's deal with him, and he says "Relinquish your soul".