Antagonists Wiki

Catgut is the secondary antagonist of the TV show Pound Puppies.

He was voiced by Frank Welker.


Catgut is sneaky and vicious. He is loyal to Katrina Stoneheart and will do anything to cause trouble for the Pound Puppies. Catgut and Brattina serve as Katrina's lackeys. In the 1985 TV Special, instead of causing trouble for the Pound Puppies, he often wishes of catching the Pound Puppies in the act in case they do anything suspicious. However, his sneaky personality never changes.


Catgut is a pompous siamese cat with brown fur, yellow eyes, and black paws. In the 1985 TV Special, Catgut has brown ears, short legs, and was chubbier.


Season 1[]

Season 2[]



            Pound Puppies logo Villains

1986 series
Arnold Fist | Brattina Stoneheart | Captain Slaughter | Catgut | Clawfinger | Dog Haters of America | Flack | Itchy and Snichey | Katrina Stoneheart | Klaude Stoneheart | Lumpy and Bones | Marvin McNasty | Samuel Quentin | Slaughtina | Stoneheart Family | Tubbs

2010 series
Agatha McLeish | Agent Ping | Big Chip | Brutus | Fang | Kennel Kittens | Leonard McLeish | Mayor | Milton Feltwaddle | Miss Stiffwhiskers | Mr. Ringbinder | Mr. Stinkman | Puss Puss Galore | Seymour and Tabitha | Stain
