Antagonists Wiki
Ann: Please, don't hurt him. [Gil gives Ann a evil malicious smile and then uses his psychic powers to control to strangle his wife Ann]
Jimbo: NO!
Gil: You thought we'd be satisfied killing just one man? [Gil then nearly brutally attacking her baby]
Sammy: Careful Gil, She could be carrying another "one of us".
~ Gil while trying to kill off Ann and her pregnant baby as Jimbo watches in horror.
I've got some children I need to make into corpses!
~ Bill Cipher before he chases down Dipper and Mabel Pines.
Use the rod, beat the child.
~ Agatha Trunchbull's motto.
Stay where you are, or the girl dies.
~ Professor Ratigan holding Olivia hostage.
I am the one who's willing to do whatever it takes to seize my moment… whatever it takes.
~ Ernesto de la Cruz before dropping Miguel off a balcony.

Villains who are willing to hurt and even kill children, unborn or not, whether they succeed or not. It can also apply to villains who do not specifically intend to hurt children, but are willing to wipe out large communities, planets, or certain groups, races, or species that would naturally lead to children being harmed (e.g. Rick Sanchez and Cat Blanc) or killed or those who intentionally harm or kill pregnant people (e.g. Walter White). They can also be child molesters or rapists. Villains whom are children themselves but still intentionally harm other children around them also qualify (e.g. Gil Yepes, Henry Evans, the Rowdyruff Boys, and Princess Morbucks).

Their opposites are Nice to Children heroes.

In order for a villain to be put under this category, they must attempt to hurt or kill someone else under the age of 20, regardless of whether they succeed or not.

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