Antagonists Wiki
My name is not BUDDY! And it's not IncrediBoy either. That ship has sailed. All I wanted was to help you. I only wanted to help! And what did you say to me? (Mr. Incredible, flashback: Fly home, Buddy. I work alone.) (back to present story) It tore me apart, but I learned a very important lesson: you can't count on anyone, especially your heroes!
~ Syndrome revealing how far he has fallen after his idol Mr. Incredible rejected him.

Though Pure Evil villains lack redeeming qualities, they may not have always started out this way. Some may have been heroes in the past, or some may have possessed benevolent or positive traits.

However, it is understandable how they may have been corrupted into Pure Evils by the unfortunate circumstances that were inflicted upon them. As a result, these villains will always shed their redeeming traits as time goes on, and ultimately be devoid of them. Hence, these types of Pure Evils can be described as Wholly Debased or Wholly Dehumanized, as they have changed for the worse and chosen a path bereft of any good. They may not have started out as villains, but they certainly have become worse than that.

Fallen Heroes who become Pure Evil automatically fall under this category for obvious reasons: however not all characters under this category are fallen heroes. It could also be From A Nobody to Nightmare and/or one that started off with a valid tragedy shown ONSCREEN and/or MENTIONED but later subverting it (e.g. Light Yagami, Roman Bridger, Mysterio, DC Joker, Alan Yates, Lord Voldemort, and Lotso).

Villains who were once truly Affably Evil before they descended into the point of no return and abandoning their overall, affable nature altogether can be added to this category. Thomas Sinclair is a perfect example of a villain who was once truly affable before completely shredding them altogether, and becoming devoid of any and all redeeming qualities.

Villains who were once truly In Love with someone before they descended into the point of no return and abandoning their overall, loving and caring nature to their lovers altogether are also allowed to be added to this category. Ragyo Kiryuin is a perfect example of a villain who was truly in love with someone before completely shredding that love and care altogether, and becoming devoid of any and all redeeming qualities..

Please do not add Pure Evil villains here who have only faked their own tragedies and/or redeeming qualities. For example, Pure Evil villains such as Sebastian Shaw, Emperor Palpatine, Judge Claude Frollo, Dr. Facilier, General Lunaris, Dick Hardly, and Chucky are not allowed to be added to this category since they were never implied to have had actual redeeming qualities or tragic backstories, even if they seemed that way to other characters. Those villains should go under Charismatic, Hidden Pure Evils, Fake Tragic, False Lovers, Faux Affably Evil, Remorse Fakers and/or Liars instead. However, characters from any category can go here as long as they once had genuine redeeming qualities and/or a genuinely tragic backstory.

Also, villains who originally had other prevention such as being too standard, comedic, amoral, reliant on fridge horror, or that many of their acts were done for shock value but got more heinous, motives and/or chracterization should not be added here either (e.g. Eli Mills, Mephiles the Dark, Agent Trout, Bill Cipher, Mrs. Tweedy, and Dark Samus). This category is only for villains who once had genuine redeeming qualities and/or sympathetic pasts but ended up subverting and/or losing them.

Their Pure Good equivalent is Wholly Reformed. See also the Debased category, which is about non-PE-villains who end up subverting their redeeming qualities.

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