Villains who are rich. They can have thousands, millions, billions, or even trillions worth of money. Due to their wealth, they are often sophisticated due to having access to a better household and higher education, thus making them more refined and educated than poorer characters.
Many see themselves as immune to the law due to their ability to either bribe their way out of trouble or hiring teams of lawyers to do their bidding. Some wealthy villains are also decadent and have become corrupted by their money and social status. Most wealthy villains are usually involved in business in some way.
All items (552)
- Jack Frittleman
- Jackson Whittemore
- James Nightingale
- Jason Mayberry
- Jianzhu
- Jim Martin Monster
- Jimmy Crystal
- John Hammond
- Joker
- Joker (1989)
- Joker (Arkhamverse)
- Joker (DC Animated Universe)
- Joker (Injustice)
- Joker (Nolanverse)
- Joker (The Batman)
- Jonah Breakspear
- Jonah Kronbach
- Jonathan Reiss
- Joon Yorigami
- Joyce Crandall
- JP (Street Fighter)
- Jun Asuka's Mother
- Kaidomaru
- Kathy Miller
- Katsuki Bakugo
- Katty Katswell
- Ken Turner
- Kilbane
- Kim Jong-il (Team America: World Police)
- King Dice (The Cuphead Show!)
- King K. Rool
- King Magnifico
- King Malbert
- King Richard III
- King Wartlord
- Kingpin (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Kitana (Order of Darkness)
- Klaus Vendetta
- Knowl Johnson
- Kraven the Hunter (Marvel's Spider-Man 2)
- Kurt Bozwell
- Kyle Swanson
- L Lawliet
- Lady Macbeth
- Lasombra
- Laurel Hedare
- Laurinha Figueroa
- Le Chiffre
- Lefty the Salesman
- Leith Pierre
- Lekain
- Leni Loud
- Leo Brandão
- Lewis Dodgson
- Lex Luthor (DC Extended Universe)
- Lionel Starkweather
- Logan Reese
- Lola Loud
- Lord Farquaad
- Lord Tetherby
- Lorraine Cobin
- Lucius Malfoy
- Lyutsifer Safin
- Madame Gasket
- Mai (Avatar)
- Malvina Monroe
- Mammon (Helluva Boss)
- Manfred Von Karma
- Margaret Booth
- Marina Del Ray
- Martin Vanger
- Mary Mays
- Mason Verger
- Mason Verger (Hannibal TV show)
- Master Raymond
- Matt Engarde
- Max Branning
- Max Zorin
- Mayor Richard Wilkins
- Mayor Shelbourne
- Mei Ling (Tales of Po)
- Memnon
- Mike (Sing)
- Mike Baldwin
- Mike Schmidt (ShadowLL)
- Milo McCreary
- Mindy Minus
- Miss Gribben
- Mitch Carroll
- Mok Shaiz
- Mok Swagger
- Monica (The Casagrandes)
- Montana Max
- Mr. Big (WordGirl)
- Mr. Dupette
- Mr. Fickelgruber (Wonka)
- Mr. Grasping
- Mr. Krabs
- Mr. Landlord
- Mr. Prodnose (Wonka)
- Mr. Red (Schlouden06)
- Mr. Scheck
- Mr. Sinister
- Ms. Grunion
- Muffy Crosswire
- Mugear
- Muzan Kibutsuji
- Naraku
- Narcissa Malfoy
- Nathan Bateman
- Ned Loomis
- Nefera de Nile
- Neil Alexander
- Neito Monoma
- Nelson Rathbone
- Nikolai Diavolo
- Nina Williams
- Noah Cross
- Norman Osborn (Marvel's Spider-Man)
- Norman Osborn (Marvel)
- Numida
- Pablonator and T-900 (The Backyardigans)
- Parker Selfridge
- Patty Farrell
- Pepito
- Percy Wetmore
- Peter Ludlow
- Pharaoh Seti I
- Pied Piper (Shrek)
- Pinstripe Potoroo
- Pizza Lord
- Popgoes the Weasel
- President Raiko
- President Snow(Novel)
- Prince Charming
- Princess Bubblegum
- Princess Mandie
- Princess Morbucks
- Professor Gerald Robotnik (Paramount Film Series)
- Professor Pickles
- Professor Ratigan (Disney)
- Puma Loco
- Pycelle