Antagonists Wiki

Thrill-Seekers get a fix out of doing dangerous or fast-paced actions to the detriment of others. They view the dangers in life-threatening situations as addictive activities or are Mentally Ill with no regards for safety. Some are Mischievous, albeit more serious than the average mischievous villain.

Thrill-Seekers as a whole are among the most hated and feared criminals due to the natures of their crimes. They often do not care if they win or lose, survive or die, get away or are captured as long as it was their idea of fun. They are commonly featured in gore and similar exploitations Even though thrill-seekers are extremely chaotic and ready to throw themselves into a fight, they CAN be Cowards, quite a few are, in fact. Examples are Gaston LeGume (Disney), Agatha Trunchbull, Scar, Zach Varmitech, Henry Evans, among many others. Also, Lawful Neutral and Lawful Evil villains can count if they want to experience a little chaos. What all thrill-seeking cowards have in common is their constant need to satisfy their addiction to thrill and chaos while having limits, because they care about their life and don't actually want to cause too much self-harm.

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