This is a list of antagonists who feel bad for what they have done but have not yet necessarily turned good. Their remorse can sometimes lead to their redemption, however, Redeemed Villains cannot be remorseful as they have been forgiven and are no longer evil.
Remorseful antagonists are never Pure Evil. As those who any remorse at all, they do not count as Pure Evil.
Also do not add Redeemed Villains to this page as Redeemed Villains are no longer evil. If a remorseful villain does get redeemed, please remove this category from the said characters article.
Also do not add these following villains to this category, even if they are not Pure Evil.
- Those who pretend to to apologize to their foes in order to led their guard down and kill them: These should fall under Cowards instead. (Example: Dr. Eggman pretends to apologize to Sonic the Hedgehog in Sonic Unleashed, but then Sonic realizes it's a trap and turns into a werehog.)
- Villains who give a sarcastic apology to their foes: They should fall under Faux Affably Evil instead.
See Also[]
All items (501)
- Kai Anderson
- Kaman Scott
- Karen Plankton
- Kathy Miller
- Katnip
- Kearney Zzyzwicz
- Keigo Kurusu
- Keith Gerard
- Ken (Toy Story)
- Kevin Kalsana
- Kevin Owens
- Kevon Winters
- Kichimura Washuu
- King
- King Dedede
- King Olly
- King Stefan
- Kishou Arima
- Kissy Missy
- Koba
- Koko
- Koragg
- Korsica
- Krampus (Danger Force)
- Kron
- Kyla Willowbrook
- Kyousuke Hyoubu
- Lady Redundant Woman
- Lady Wifi
- Lana Loud
- Lars Rodriguez
- Leanna Powell
- Leatherface (original timeline)
- Legion of Doom (My Little Pony)
- Leland Powell
- Leni Loud
- Leonard ''Lenny'' Hagland
- Leonard Burns
- Les Battersby
- Lincoln Loud
- Lisa Isaribi
- Lizzy (Murder Drones)
- Lois Griffin
- Loly Aivirrne
- Loona
- Lord Boxman
- Lord Takagami
- Luan Loud
- Lucas Biggs
- Lucas Johnson
- Lucy Loud
- Lucy van Pelt
- Ludociel
- Luna Girl
- Lynn Loud Jr.
- Macbeth
- Magma Dragoon
- Mai (Avatar)
- Majin Buu
- Mandy(Grim Tales)
- Marceline Abadeer
- Mario Pepper
- Mary Hughes
- Mauro Massetti
- Max Branning
- Mayor Phlegmming
- Megamind
- Mela
- Memphis Tennessee
- Meowth
- Meredy
- Michael Afton
- Mike Baldwin
- Millie Knolastname
- Minerva Orland
- Minotaur (Doctor Who)
- Miss Bloomie
- Mitch Mitchelson
- Mojo Jojo
- Molt
- Monica Kruszewski
- Monster Steven
- Mor'du
- Morse the Mole
- Mr. and Mrs. Graves
- Mr. Burns
- Mr. Hector
- Mr. Krabs
- Mr. Peterson
- Mr. Shirley (Christmas Vacation)
- Mrs. Mayberry
- Ms. Marmalady
- Munki-gu
- Muscle Man
- Pacifica Northwest
- Paige Summerbee
- Pamela Voorhees
- Parker Selfridge
- Parris-Crawford
- Pat Phelan
- Patrick Butler
- Patrick Star
- Paul Westin
- Perry Gilbert
- Peter Pettigrew
- Peter Quince
- Phil Mitchell
- Plankton
- Poison Ivy
- Ponda Baba
- Pretty Bomber
- Prime Queen
- Princess Bubblegum
- Principal McVicker
- Professor Venomous
- Puppet
- Purple Man (Marvel)
- Raiden the Moon King
- Rain (3rd Timeline)
- Rain (Mortal Kombat)
- Ramon Cruz
- Rancid Rabbit
- Randall Garner
- Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank)
- Red (Dick Figures)
- Red (Megaman X7)
- Reflekta
- Reginald Payne
- Ren Höek
- Rex Gallagher
- Richard Hillman
- Richard Macklin
- Rick Sanchez
- Rita Loud
- Robbie Roscoe
- Robert Tennison
- Rodney Garrett
- Roland Tembo
- Ronnie Anne Santiago
- Ru
- Ryan Jacobsen
- Ryuji Goda