Antagonists Wiki
Antagonists Wiki

Mercenaries, also called Bounty Hunters or Guns For Hire, are primarily motivated for monetary gain and will work for whoever or whatever pays them the most always selling their services to the highest bidders, and are often employed to steal valuables and kill people. The typical model of a Mercenary is one who is paid by people in positions of authority and power to carry out tasks such as capturing and/or killing those deemed criminals or heretics. Some however, have codes of honor, but most are guided by greed and do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals no matter how dirty or cruel the method. Examples are Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Sixsix, Sevenseven, Preston Packard, Wolf O’Donnell and Primo.

Note: Mercenaries are not Villains by Proxy since they willingly choose to work under a villain's orders for some kind of profit or monetary gain unless they were tricked into committing atrocities they didn't intend to do.

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