Villains who acted as a mentor the hero. Often, they had a master/apprentice relationship prior to becoming enemies. Sometimes, these villains either brainwashed the heroes or forced them to do their bidding through slavery. In other cases, these villains can be a superior in the hero's workplace (e.g. Mr. Burns, Setsuna Sumeragi, Mr. Grasping and his colleagues), in a higher position of power in a social structure (e.g. Kent Mansley, Agatha Trunchbull, Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear, Principal Dwight and Mr. Krupp), or sometimes be a politician or law enforcer corrupted by their delusional beliefs or their desire for more power (e.g. Mayor Brown, Lord Business, Judge Claude Frollo, Chancellor Sutler, Danno Wolfe, Mr. Creedy and The Nazi Officer). Master of a Hero can overlap with Friend of a Hero (whether or not the friendship is fake) or Related to Hero, especially since both capacities often provide a lot of room for developing mentor-student relationships. These villains are rarely Pure Evil with a few examples like Judge Claude Frollo. This is the opposite of Servant of a Hero and a villain may be both. Their heroic servants are likely to be Good Vs. Good for obvious reasons.
Rodrick Heffley -
Plankton -
Hell Knight Ingrid -
Chef Skinner -
Glitchtrap -
William Afton (Novel) -
Heinz Doofenshmirtz -
Professor Gerald Robotnik (Paramount Film Series)
All items (52)