All items (426)
- Kabuto Yakushi
- Kaede Kazama
- Kaiko
- Kairen
- Kane
- Kano
- Kaori Rikujo
- Kazuya Mishima
- Keigo Kurusu
- Keiki Haniyasushin
- Keine Kamishirasawa
- Kevin Owens
- Kid Buu
- Kishou Arima
- Knightmon
- Koala (Rave Master)
- Kobra
- Kurara Tendô
- Kurenai Kougetsu
- Kurosaki
- Kyousuke Hyoubu
- Mami Nanami
- Maria (Mermaid Melody)
- Maria Imari
- Marik Ishtar
- Marin Hollow
- Maro
- Marrybell mel Britannia
- Mary (Fairy Tail)
- Meowth
- Merupo
- Michael Cole
- Michizō Tachihara
- Midari Ikishima
- Millions Knives
- Mimete
- Minene Uryuu
- Minerva Liddell
- Monica Kruszewski
- Moro
- Mr. Ishtar
- Muru Muru
- Mushitarō Oguri
- Muzan Kibutsuji
- Müller (Edens Zero)
- Sagume Kishin
- Sasori
- Satono Nishida & Mai Teireida
- Sawagejō Chō
- Schneizel el Britannia (Suzaku of the Counterattack)
- Seiga Kaku
- Seijiro Inui
- Seilah
- Shade Man
- Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat)
- Shikieiki Yamaxanadu
- Shikorae
- Shin
- Shoichi Shinkawa
- Shota Yabe
- Shou Tucker (2009)
- Shousei
- Shurimon
- Sigma (Bungo Stray Dogs)
- Sigma (Mega Man X)
- Silver Fullbuster
- Slash Man
- Sloth (FMA Manga & Brotherhood)
- Slum King
- Snake of Clearing Eyes
- Sol (Gacha League)
- Sol XD
- Spider (Edens Zero)
- Staphylococcus Aureus
- Succubus Lilith
- Sugar (One Piece)
- Suwako Moriya
- Taiga Nakanishi
- Taigokumaru
- Takako Sugiura
- Takeshi Kido
- Tankmon
- Tasia
- Tellu
- Tenjo
- The Corruption
- The Third
- Theo Magath
- Therestina Kihara Lifeline
- Tomahawk Man
- Tomie Kawarami
- Tommaso Ciampa
- Tooru Mutsuki
- Tormentor
- Toxic Seahorse
- Tragoedia
- Triple H
- Tsuneyoshi Washuu
- Tybi