Villains or antagonists who are friends with a hero.
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- Adam Plus Start
- Agatha Prenderghast
- Akumatized villains
- Akumu The Nightmare
- Alec Trevelyan
- Alejandro Gutierrez
- Alejandro Sosa
- Alyssa Bustamante (My Name Is A)
- Amanda Matthews
- Amilyn Holdo
- Amos Slade
- Ana
- Angelica Teach
- Anger
- Anna Williams
- Aqua (Gacha League)
- Ares (DC Extended Universe)
- Ariel Augustus
- Arthur Mitchell
- Aysel
- Bansai Kawakami
- Baraka
- Barnaby
- Baron
- Baron Corbin
- Bart Simpson
- Belle Fontiere
- Belmod
- Benjamin Krupp
- Benson Dunwoody
- Big Show
- Bill Cutting
- Bill McLemore
- Black Cuervo
- Black Krrsantan
- Blacky Dream
- Bladebeak
- Blast Hornet
- Bocarter Humphrey
- BoJack Horseman
- Bomb Man
- Brian
- Brian Stiller
- Bridget Fitzsimmons
- Brit, Tiff and Piff Crust
- Brock Lesnar
- Bruce
- Burny (animators)
- Butch Gilzean
- Butcher Gang
- Byakuya Kuchiki
- Cad Spinner
- Captain Feathersword
- Captain Kiddie
- Captain Nolan
- Cardin Winchester
- Carl Hartman
- Carlton Drake (2018 Film)
- Carmine Falcone (Gotham)
- Carson Clay
- Carver (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes)
- Catherine Tramell
- Catwoman
- Cera
- Chester and Clyde
- Chet Alexander
- Chongire
- Chris D'Amico
- Christine Montgomery
- Chucky
- Claire McCallister
- Commander Cody
- Commander Trey
- Copper
- Cos-Mean
- Count Dracula(Bram Stoker)
- Creek
- Cruella De Vil (Disney)
- Crusher (Blaze and the Monster Machines)
- Darby Stone
- Darren Lattimer
- Darth Vader
- Davey Stone
- David 8
- Deathstroke
- Deckard Shaw
- Dick Finley
- Diego (Ice Age)
- Discord (My Little Pony)
- Dixie
- DJango
- Doc Hudson
- Doctor Doom (2015 Film)
- Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man Films)
- Doctor Octopus(Marvel Comics)
- Dolores Umbridge
- User talk:Donald Duck
- Donald Duck
- Dr. Charles Nichols
- Dr. Colosso
- Dr. Ranbir Sartain
- Dr. Terence Wynn
- Dragon (Skunk Fu!)
- Dryden Vos
- Gabby Gabby
- Gabi Braun
- Gabriel (Supernatural)
- Gajeel Redfox
- Gamma (Megaman 3)
- Gekomon
- Gene (Wreck-It Ralph)
- General Zod
- Giant Man (Marvel Zombies)
- Gilles de Rais (Into the Crypts of Rays)
- Glenn Talbot (Hulk)
- Glutinous
- Golden Freddy (2018)
- Gollum
- Green Goblin (Spider-Man Films)
- Green Goblin (The Amazing Spider-Man)
- Gremlin Presscott
- Hades (Disney)
- Hannibal Lecter
- Hannibal Lecter (TV show)
- Hans
- Hard Man
- Harley Quinn
- Harry Osborn
- Heath Slater
- Hector (Thomas & Friends)
- Heinz Doofenshmirtz
- Helga Pataki
- Herrscher of the End
- Holly Thompson
- Honeybeemon
- Hoppus
- Horror Sans
- Hotaru
- Humpty Alexander Dumpty