Antagonists Wiki

"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

- Wicked Witch of the West (Wizard of Oz)

Defeated in disgrace typically implies a loss that is not merely a setback but a humiliating or shameful one. It often involves a public downfall or failure that is accompanied by ridicule, embarrassment, or loss of reputation.

Here are some key elements that often characterize a defeat in disgrace:

  • Public humiliation: The defeat is often witnessed or known by others, leading to embarrassment or ridicule.
  • Loss of reputation: The individual or entity involved may experience a significant decline in their standing or credibility.
  • Moral or ethical failure: Sometimes, a defeat in disgrace is associated with a violation of moral or ethical standards.
  • Irreversible damage: The consequences of the defeat may be difficult or impossible to overcome.

Example: A politician who is caught in a scandal and forced to resign would be considered that.

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