Antagonists Wiki
It was poetic using Earth's Dragon to save me from Earth's Hell. You cannot imagine the depths of my suffering there! I spent most of my days strung up like a damn pupating morph over a field of delicate little flowers where bands of angels and fairies and enchanted stuffed animals lived, singing songs and dancing asinine jigs as if their only care in life was when they would get their next warm, fuzzy hug! Instead of ruling the universe with an iron fist, I was serenaded by teddy-bears!!!
~ Frieza going into depth about his time in HFIL/Hell.

Damned Souls, also known as Doomed Spirits and/or Cursed Souls, are who not only died but were also condemned to live on in a spiritual hell-dimension, in essence they become akin to Demons or Spirits but are distinct supernatural beings in their own right (often known as "Unclean Spirits").

It is considered the ultimate downfall and is often reserved for the most evil of characters, since only the most sinister of individuals (usually) give the audience enough hatred that they see eternal damnation as a suitable punishment. Most Complete Monsters/Pure Evil are reserved for this. Most villains who crossed Moral Event Horizon will be susceptible to this.

However some Damned Souls can continue to plague the living after their death, becoming lesser demons or poltergeists.

Saved Souls are the complete opposite of Damned Souls.


  • Must of started life as a human (or mortal race) - if they were angels, demons or spirits, they do not count.
  • Must be imprisoned/linked to a hell-dimension (unlike ghosts, that wander between realms).
  • Even if they gain demonic powers they are still bound to hell in some fashion (normally the classic "dragged to hell upon defeat" type).
  • Cannot be creatures that have "naturally" evolved in hell or similar realms (aka "true" demons).
  • Villains who try to kill the heroes after being offered mercy or spared to live only to end up dying in the process. Gaston, Scar, and Frieza are examples.
  • Arrogant Villains or Egomaniacs who spend their last moments questioning how they could possibly be beaten. Broly is an example.
  • Were killed by the Heroes and died in a brutal way. Nightmare is an example.


  1. Do NOT add beings that have always existed in hell (true demons), this is for beings that were once of the living world but have since become infernal in nature due to becoming spiritually corrupt.
  2. Villains whose soul used to be condemned but later had their souls saved will no longer belong to this category (e.g. Emma Swan, Kratos, Dean Winchester and Nia Honjou).
  3. Merely undead beings (e.g. Frankenstein's Monster) do not count. Undead beings that fit this category must have been related to hell-like dimensions (e.g. Zombie Redcoats) or condemned due to a curse (e.g. Imhotep and the Dragon Emperor).

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