“ | Scar: Simba, Simba. Please. Please have mercy. I beg you. Simba: You don't deserve to live. Scar: But, Simba, I am... ah... family. It's the hyenas who are the real enemy. It was their fault — it was their idea! |
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~ Scar begging Simba for mercy and blaming the hyenas for his crimes. |
“ | Tighten: No! Not in the face, man! Please! "Metro Man": If you know what's good for you, Tighten, you'll stay out of Metrocity! Tighten: You got it! "Metro Man": For good! |
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~ Tighten being frightened and duped by Megamind (under his Metro Man form) to leave Metro City. |
“ | Let me go. Let me go. Please, don't hurt me. I'll do anything. Anything! | „ |
~ Gaston begging the Beast to spare his life, moments before stabbing him in the back. |
Antagonists and villains who are cowards. These types of antagonists and villains do not confront the enemy themselves, beg for mercy, target those who are unable to fight back, and/or are prone to run away from their problems rather than face them head on.
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