Villains who can take complete control of others to do their bidding as Psychics or through Magic, hypnosis and/or mind control. The victim then becomes a helpless puppet and most often a de facto villain falling under Possessed/Brainwashed. Some villains also brainwash victims through manipulation and charisma to the point of making followers absolutely devoted to them and ready to commit the worst of acts upon receiving orders (loyal to them only, not ideologies).
Brainwashers differ from Possessors by the fact that they do not need to enter a victim's body (or be almost entirely responsible for something entering their victim's body) to take control and said victim has their true spirit eclipsed instead of turning evil, though the outcome is quite similar in both cases. Some villains can fall under both, Dimentio and Scarlet Witch are good examples.
All items (424)
- M. Bison
- Mad Jack
- Madame Gasket
- Madame Odius
- Magnet Man
- Makuta Teridax
- Mandragora
- Margot (Are You Afraid of the Dark?)
- Marik Ishtar
- Martin Schultz
- Master Org
- Master Raymond
- Mega Leech
- Megatron (Unicron Trilogy)
- Megatron X
- Melvin Sneedly
- Mictlan (Maya and the Three)
- Midnight (Max and Midnight)
- Mike Schmidt (ShadowLL)
- Mimete
- Mirage (Aladdin)
- Mommy Long Legs
- Moon (Local 58)
- Morag (The Loud House)
- Mozenrath
- Mr. & Mrs. Taylor
- Mr. Big (WordGirl)
- Mr. Red (Schlouden06)
- Mr. Renner
- Mr. Sinister
- Mukuro Ikusaba
- Mundus
- Muru Muru
- Sacha Lenski
- Sadist Gougan
- Sark (Continued Nightmare)
- Sauron (Middle-earth)
- Scarecrow (Arkhamverse)
- Scarecrow (DC)
- Scorm
- Scorpion (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness)
- Scorpion Tribe
- Scourge (Transformers Reboot Films)
- SCP-056-KO
- SCP-072
- SCP-113-UA
- SCP-956
- SCP-ES-138
- Screenslaver
- Sedusa
- Shadow (Hello Neighbor)
- Shadow Queen
- Shang Tsung (Mortal Kombat)
- Shauna Krawly
- Sheng
- Shinnok (Mortal Kombat)
- Shockwave (Generation One)
- Shredder (TMNT 2012)
- Simon (POPGOES)
- Simon Ambrose
- Sir Stinks-A-Lot
- Skrawl's Brain
- Skynet
- Slappy the Dummy
- Sledgehammer O'Possum
- Snake of Clearing Eyes
- Sonic.exe
- Squeaky
- Stapler
- Starlight Glimmer
- Strife Astlar Grandall
- Superman (Injustice)
- Supreme Intelligence (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Sutekh
- Tatsumori Yamada
- Terra Snapdragon
- The Collector (The Collector)
- The Corruption
- The Court of Owls
- The Darkness (The Fairly OddParents)
- The Doctor (Dead by Daylight)
- The Doll Maker (Welcome to the Game)
- The Entity (Mr. Hopp's Playhouse)
- The Gigglepies
- The Master (Harold Saxon)
- The Mimic (Five Nights at Freddy's)
- The Riddler (Batman Forever)
- The Shadowman
- The Splotch
- The Thing
- Theo Magath
- Theodore Murdsly
- Tippy Tinkletrousers
- Tojiro Goto
- Tomie Kawarami
- Tumor Monsters
- Turbo Toilet 2000
- Twisted Alice