Antagonists Wiki

Hi! I'm Carola, This is Mom and Dad before they disappeared on Science research dev. Do you look cool? And this is my aunt and uncle, They adopted me.
~ Carola, in the pilot

Carola Merkelfrumkem is the anti-villainous deuteragonist of the series Annie and Carola.

She is a nerd and engineer.

She is voiced by Bryn McAuley. She also voiced Suzi from Camp Lakebottom and Amy from Total Drama.


In the world there are lots of normal people, some geniuses and only one Carola Merkelfrumkem.  A super geek who gets the best grades at school, gives extra classes to the teachers and invents things that astonish the most eminent scientists. But, to her classmates, Carola is invisible. And Carola grew up without a loving family and isn’t used to spending time with people of her own age.

Villainous acts[]

  1. in Duped, She attempted to murder Nilda and caught. She apologized.
  2. In The Golden Toy, She destroyed Digit's old toy and She apologized to Digit.

