Antagonists Wiki
Captain Ginyu
Background information
Feature films
Television programs Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Super
Video games Various Dragon Ball games
Park attractions
Voice Hideyuki Hori (japanese)
Dale D. Kelly (Original english dub),
R Bruce Elliot (Current english dub)
Performance model
Character information
Other names Captain
Personality Loyal, arrogant, merciless, vain, calculating, narcissistic, bossy
Occupation Leader of the Ginyu Force, Frieza's right-hand man, Second-in-command of the Frieza Force
Affiliations Bad
Goal Help Frieza succeed
Home Planet Frieza
Friends Frieza, Jeice, Sorbet
Enemies Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Bulma, Tenshinhan, Master Roshi, Tagoma
Minions The Ginyu Force
Likes Power, serving Frieza, victory, himself, one-on-one battles
Dislikes Losing, cheating, Saiyans (especially Goku & Vegeta), frogs, humiliation
Powers and abilities Superhuman abilities, Energy Attacks, Bodyswapping ability
Fate Gets trapped in a frog's body (Dragon Ball Z)
Gets killed in battle by Vegeta (Dragon Ball Super)

Captain Ginyu (simply known as Ginyu) is the leader of Frieza's elite military group, the Ginyu Special Forces, in the "Namek Saga" of Dragon Ball Z. He is the secondary antagonist of the Namek Saga and Frieza Saga and the main antagonist of the Captain Ginyu Saga.

He has the ability to switch bodies with an opponent. He is the strongest of the Ginyu Force (with a power level of 120,000), and until Son Goku's power level reached 180,000 from his training in 100 times gravity, was the fourth strongest fighter in the universe after to Frieza, Cooler and their father King Cold. Because of his body switching ability, his original body is unknown. In Dragon Ball Supers Resurrection F Saga, Ginyu serves as one of the two tertiary antagonists alongside Tagoma. He serves as Frieza's right-hand man and most loyal lieutenant (alongside Zarbon and Sorbet).


Captain Ginyu is a tall, purple humanoid alien. The top of his head displays prominent veins, similar to that of a human brain. Two black conical horns protrude from the top sides of his head. Ginyu wears a black variant of the Battle Armor that Frieza's forces wear, with lower side guards, black and white wrist bracers, and the addition of the Ginyu Force insignia on the upper left side of the chest plate. He wears black underwear as his lower body armor. Ginyu is equipped with a green Scouter.


Captain Ginyu is extremely loyal to Frieza and likes obeying his every command and serving under him.


Captain Ginyu Arc[]

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Ginyu's favorite pose.

The Ginyu Force was called over to Namek by Frieza to take Vegeta's Dragon Balls back from him. The Ginyu Force arrived at the site where Vegeta, Kuririn, and Son Gohan had all seven Dragon Balls. After securing all the Dragon Balls, Ginyu initially decided to fight Vegeta and leave RecoomeBurterJeice, and Guldo to do rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets to fight Gohan and Kuririn, but after receiving arguments from them, he instead decided to take the Dragon Balls to Frieza while the others decided who fought Vegeta.

When Ginyu took the Dragon Balls to Frieza, he attempted to summon the eternal dragon, but as he did not know the password, was unable to, so Frieza left Ginyu to guard the Dragon Balls while he went off to get the password from Guru. During this time, Ginyu had Frieza's henchmen try out for the Ginyu Force. He killed one of them, Captain Strong, for being a captain like him, as he believes that he should be the only captain. He killed another one for touching a Dragon Ball, which he had forbidden them to do, and knocked out the rest because they lacked enough style to be on the Ginyu Force.

Confronting Goku[]

Captain Ginyu in Goku's body. After Goku defeated Recoome and Burter, Jeice ran off to get Ginyu, who was angry at him for running away and nearly fired him. Ginyu and Jeice arrived at the battlefield where Ginyu fought Goku. He appeared to have a bit of an advantage, until Goku powered up to his full power level, which was 60,000 above Ginyu's. Nothing Ginyu did could defeat Goku, so he switched bodies with him, injuring himself before doing so.

Confronting Gohan, Kuririn and Vegeta[]

However, to his disappointment, when he was fighting Kuririn and Gohan, he discovered that as he could not use his mind and body together he could not use its full power. After killing Jeice, Vegeta beat up Ginyu, who tired of Goku's body and attempted to switch bodies with Vegeta. Goku jumped in front of him, and they were switched back to normal. Ginyu let Vegeta beat him up for a while then attempted to take his body again, but Goku threw a frog in front of him, causing Ginyu to switch bodies with it. Vegeta considered finishing him off, but Goku pointed out that Ginyu was no longer a threat, and the former relented, deciding that forcing Ginyu to live the rest of his life as a frog was a more satisfying punishment than death.

As a Frog[]

Unable to talk and give the change command, Ginyu remained a frog, at one point being chased and kissed by a female frog. However, he was able to switch bodies one more time during the Freeza Saga when he tricked Bulma into putting a universal translator on him, allowing him to steal her body and leave her trapped in Ginyu's old frog body. He took the translator off her and then arrived at the battlefield in Bulma's body, able to sense energy auras. He pretended to be Bulma as he watched the battle, but soon ended up blowing his cover. He attacked Kuririn, but was unable to inflict any damage, so he tried to switch bodies with Piccolo. However, Gohan stopped him by throwing Bulma (in Ginyu's old frog body) in front of him, returning Bulma to her own body, while Ginyu became a frog again. Both Ginyu and Bulma were blown away by the force of the battle when Freeza attacked Goku.

He was sent to Earth along with everyone else on Namek when Dende summoned the eternal dragon Porunga and wished for everyone except Goku and Freeza to go to Earth. From here, he became the leader of the fish pond at Capsule Corp.

Ginyu's appearance was very short in the Cell Games Saga, when Gohan blew out the candles on his cake and ended up trashing the cake, Ginyu was seen in front of Goku's house with tears in his eyes. His final appearance was in the Great Saiyaman Saga when Sharpner was trying to unmask Gohan (Great Saiyaman) and jumped down toward him, but missed because at the last second Gohan bent down and picked up Ginyu.

Ginyu is finally killed either by Super Buu's Genocide Attack during the Fusion Saga (which destroyed most of Earth's remaining inhabitants) or when Kid Buu blew up the earth at the beginning of the Kid Buu Saga. This is Ginyu's final appearance in Dragon Ball Z. He is later seen in Hell in Dragon Ball GT, having been reunited with his original body.

Dragon Ball Super[]

Ginyu later returns in Dragon Ball Super as a frog. As he witnessed the revival of Frieza with Tagoma and Sorbet putting the remains of Frieza in a container. A few months later, he snuck onto Jaco's spaceship to get to the battlefield. He approaches Tagoma while he laid down after a blow from Gotenks. He was able to trick him into switching bodies by writing 'Change' in the dirt.

He ends up attacking the Z-Fighters, with Gohan easily beating him in two blows. Gohan spares him, which causes Frieza to try to kill Gohan with his Death Beam Barrage. As Ginyu tries to defend Frieza, Goku and Vegeta show up and Ginyu shows hatred towards the two for him being trapped in a body of a frog for so many years and attempts to attack them out of vengeance. Vegeta kills him immediately with a Ki Blast, putting an end to Captain Ginyu and his body-switching ways for good.
