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Caligula is the main antagonist in Nero. He is a psychotic tyrant and very similar to his real historical counterpart. He was portrayed by John Simm the same that played The Master of Doctor Who.
The protagonist and young and future emperor Nero, witnesses the psychotic Caligula kill his father and exile his mother. While they in exile on the Pontine Island, his mother, Agrippina has a vision that Nero will become emperor, but she will have to die first. She accepts the proposal, also Emperor Caligula also names his favorite horse Incitatus governor of Rome. After that, Caligula would be lured into an assistant brothel where he is murdered in a cryptocurrency in a palantine theater by Praetorian guards led by Cassius Chaerea, Marcus Vinicius and Lucius Annius Vinicianus, after when Caligula is killed, his wife and daughter are murdered.