Antagonists Wiki
You girls are just burning with righteousness, aren't you? Problem is, you think they're blazing like suns, when really you're matchsticks in the face of the darkness.
~ Caleb to the Slayers before of fight

Caleb was the last antagonist to make his appearance in the TV series ''Buffy the Vampire Slayer'', he is the right arm of First Evil, and he fixes the most dangerous follower of First Evil, since he is a sociopath, misogynist and also a serial killer that even before the events of the series began he had already been responsible for the disappearance of two girls. He was portrayed by Nathan Fillion.


Not much is known about Caleb's past and not even his last name was revealed in the series, as well as having seduced and killed two women while he was doing his sermons and landed as a priest before even being follower of First Evil and helping him in your goals.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer[]


Before becoming the right arm of First Evil, Caleb who was in fact an ex-priest and a serial killer who was responsible for the disappearance of two girls who manipulated them using his charisma and charm and then kill her.

Later, when First Evil appeared in Sunnydale, Caleb soon became his most loyal and dangerous follower and was the main driver of the events of the end series, since he was planning to eliminate all or any threat that could threaten the return of First Evil, since in his first appearance he soon gave a message to Buffy through one of his victims that it was Shannon that he spared for it, he also led a horde of Bringers to kill all the Slayers in jail everywhere in the world, and as the ordered the bombing at Watcher's Headquarters in London, which caused the death of several prominent Slayers.

In his confrontation with the Slayers, Caleb simply kills two Potential Slayers and easily defeats Buffy, Faith and Spike and forcing them to retreat, he also blinds Xander in one of his eyes, beating him with the left thumb, which made Xander have to use a slap eye as the result for the rest his life.

At the end of the series, Buffy with Angel's help she manages to defeat him by piercing his abdomen with a mystical Scythe and kills him. However, Caleb is revived by First Evil, stronger than before and drops Angel; he and Buffy start fighting in a battle until Buffy manages to defeat him by cutting him in half, killing him and ending using threat at once.


Caleb was a misogynist and sadistic, sociopathic and serial killer, he was soon impressed by the streght of his body, he despite being most loyal follower of First Evil, he was also more violent evil among the others, he also very manipulate since he liked to rekindle his death at First Evil's request to take the form of one of his victims he had killed that was one girl.

Power and Abilities[]

Caleb had psychic powers which allowed him to detect the aura of his opponents, reading their minds and channeling the power of First Evil for extended periods, whe Caleb merged with First Evil he simply gained super streght, endurance and durability-humans that are far superior to those of a majority of vampires, demons and Slayers and other races.



  • Despite being human, Caleb more with powers than no other human would have, Caleb was the first and only antagonist to be dead by Buffy of its threat.

