Antagonists Wiki
Cagney Carnation
Background information
Feature films
Television programs
Video games Cuphead
Park attractions
Performance model
Character information
Other names
Personality Passive Form: Friendly and innocent

Phase 1: Aggressive and Intimidating
Phase 2: Ferocious and Wrathful

Appearance Yellow face, petals with two different shades of orange, dark green thorny stem

Passive Form: Small eyes, small nose, orange dimples and fingerless arms
Phase 1: Evil expression, large eyes and long pointy nose
Phase 2: Slightly yellow eyes and pupils intensely dilate, sharp teeth, sharper petals

Affiliations Good

Neutral (fighting mode)

Goal Defeat Cuphead and Mugman

Protect his life

Home Inkwell Isle One
Enemies Cuphead (formerly), Mugman (formerly)
Minions Toothy Terrors, Sycamore Seeds
Powers and abilities Lunge attack, seed gatling gun, thorn roots, releasing pollens, using hands to release acorns and sycamore seeds
Weapons Acorns, seeds, pollen
Fate Honor Cuphead and Mugman for their heroic acts

Cagney Carnation is one of the the bosses in Cuphead, appearing in the level "Floral Fury" In Inkwell Isle 1.

Despite his evil expression, he is not a villain, but only an antagonist trying to defend his life.

Psychical Appearance[]

Cagney is a tall anthropomorphic carnation flower with six orange petals with a darker tip and a yellow face. He has large eyes and shows an evil expression, a long pointy nose, a thorny stem and two arms with four-fingered hands.

In his passive form, Cagney has an innocent expression with eyes, a small nose and orange dimples.

In phase 2, after taking enough damage, he buries his hands and grows thorny vines on the ground. He has slightly yellow eyes and his pupils are intensely dilate. He has sharp teeth and sharper petals.


When defeated, his eyes turn black, his mouth is open, and his tongue sticks out.



Cagney first looks innocent, before roaring at the player(s) and showing an evil expression before doing his idle animation .

Phase 1

Cagney Carnation uses the following attacks in his first phase:

Lunge Lurk: Cagney’s petals form a fist and his face springs out on whatever section the fist was formed(top or bottom) for a short time before going back to his idle.

Magic Hands : Cagney’s stem splits into 2 legs as He cups His hands together before opening them to reveal 1 of 2 attacks.

Boomerang (Magic Hands): A Sycamore Seed inside a Boomerang travels to the right on the upper section of the screen above the Platforms. A few seconds after it goes offscreen, it reappears going to the left of the screen under the Platforms. After going offscreen a second time, the Boomerang doesn’t reappear a second time.

Acorns (Magic Hands): 3 Acorns go wherever the player(s) are in a straight line. They don’t follow the player’s every movement.

Gatling Gun: Cagney’s face becomes a Gatling Gun & fires of 3 types of seeds.

Purple Seeds: This Seed grows a Baby Toothy Terror that stays on the Ground and acts as a hazard.

Light Blue Seeds: This Seed grows a Vine that releases a Green Toothy Terror that follows the Player’s every move until defeated.

Pink Seeds: This Seed grows a Vine that releases a Toothy Terror Floater that stays at the top of the screen moving left & right. It occasionally stops to open it’s petals & reveal it’s mouth to shoot a bullet that can be parried. The Seed can be parried to prevent it from spawning & it can’t be damaged until it reveals it’s mouth.

After taking enough hits, Cagney will pull on his petals in frustration and then buries his hands underground, spreading damaging thorny vines across the ground

Phase 2[]


After Cuphead and Mugman burn all the contracts, Cagney and the other former debtors praise the brothers for their heroic actions.

External Links[]
