Antagonists Wiki

Byleth Eisner, also known as Professor and as the Ashen Demon, is a major protagonist of the Fire Emblem franchise. They are the main protagonist of Fire Emblem: Three Houses and the central antagonist of its spin-off Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. They are a fearsome mercenary known as the "Ashen Demon" who has the reputation of killing their foes without showing any emotion, though they later turn out to be more heroic that they seem to be.

Physical Appearance[]

Byleth has blue hair and eyes, though their hair and eyes turn green after they fused with Sothis (of after the latter took over their body). Male Byleth wears dark grey and black armor parts over a dark grey outfit with dark pink highlights. He also wears a black and dark grey coat and black boots and gloves. Female Byleth has longer hair than her male counterparts, wears a black chesplate over a black top, black shorts and boots, a golden medallion and a grey and black coat.

