Jafar says: Read my lips and come to grips with the reality! This article is a stub and is in need of expansion. You can help Antagonists Wiki by expanding it. If you don't then he will send Darth Vader and Light Yagami after you. |
The Butterfly Sentimonster is a sentimonster in Miraculous Ladybug.
In "Mayura", Hawk Moth battles Ladybug and Cat Noir and easily beats them. However Carapace, Rena Rouge and Queen Bee show up and corner Hawk Moth. Queen Bee summons her Venom to paralyze him, but Mayura sends a feather into Hawk Moth's cane and he accepts her help. A giant purple moth creature appears and uses it wings to send extreme winds to heroes to distract them. In the confusion Mayura and Hawk Moth escape.