Antagonists Wiki

Buttercup is the one of the three Powerpuff Girls and one of the three titular main protagonists of the franchise of the same name. Her main ingredient is spice and her main color is green. Among the girls, Buttercup is the best fighter and the toughest one.


Buttercup's name isn't based on any personality. She was just named that for it starting with a "B" just like her sisters, Blossom and Bubbles, which is, in fact, the cause of her sour personality.

Buttercup's overall nature is being a vain, and stubborn girl, who's known to be a very violent, arrogant, and sometimes have shown to be narcissistic as well.

She is also shown to be the type of person who nearly-always disregard advices and warnings from the surroundings even though they did told her at first that there will be consequences or risk-taking problems that may occur.

In "Moral Decay", she became so greedy for dollar coins when she beaten up the criminals and steal their teeth for coins. This was until she was punished by Blossom and Bubbles for greedy obsession.

Antagonistic Acts[]

  • She often bullies Bubbles.
  • She also throws a ball of glue to Elmer Sglue and shouting him as "paste eater" since Elmer Sglue eats paste. But she also felt ashamed after throwing it and make Elmer cry.
  • She can be a little selfish and inconsiderate at times. For example, in "Dream Scheme" she didn't care that Sandman was tired and she gave him a nightmare to the point that he doesn't want to sleep again, and "The Powerpuff Girls Rule" she fought with her sisters over the key to the world to make the world "better.
  • She can be sadistic when beating up their enemies, such as in the episode "Candy is Dandy", where she brutally beats up Mojo Jojo for stealing a candy jar to the point where he almost is killed.
  • She and her sisters beat up Mr. Mime despite him being to his normal self.