Antagonists Wiki

This Park belongs to us now!
~ Gnomus when the first Brother appears

The Brother Gnomus are a group of Antagonists from the Boss hunt of the same name from Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2.


The Brothers Gnomus were first introduced in the Trials of Gnomus DLC for Garden Warfare 2. The zombies face off against the Brothers Gnomus and have to stop them from taking over Time Park while also dealing with other Gnomes. They have yet to make any reappearances in the later games.


Mushroom Slam Attack[]

The Brothers will slam their Mushroom Mallets on the ground doing around 30 damage on direct hit on the player.

Blue Laser[]

The Brothers will fire a bright blue beam at the player that does 3 to 5 damage. It will also slow them down.

Floating Orbs[]

The Brothers will stand still and fire blue orbs that slowly follow the player.


On Normal they all have 6000 health each (24000 in total).

On Hard they all have 5500 health each (22000 in total).

On CRAAAAAZY! they all have 5000 health each (20000 in total).


  • In the game files the brothers boss icon is listed as Boss_Zombies_FourPrinces which implies they are the sons of King Gnomus himself.