Briar is a tertiary antagonist of Avatar arc, and a member of Avatar in Fairy Tail.
Briar appears at a meeting where she along with Jerome where she informs Arlock about the situation and is ordered from him to leave. Both suspect Gray to be a spy but they stop when Gray tells them his story. And when the ''Operation Purification'' begins, she will be together with the other elite members of the Avatar, she immediately becomes calm and orders them to attack. But when Erza fights Jerome, Briar decides to fight Gray that his participation was a lie, which Gray responds by saying it was. After that, Briar uses her clone magic, however every of hers gets her emotion, and when her clone says she loves him, Juvia appears angry and meanwhile Gray takes advantage of Briar's distraction and easily defeats her freezing her. Then she along with all her fellow Avatar are arrested by Gajeel and Pantherlily.