Braptor is a major antagonist in season 2 and minor antagonist in season 3 of LEGO Legends of Chima. He leads the Bat Tribe that lives in the Outlands.
When Braptor and all the bat members of his tribe were initially ordinary bats, like members of the Scorpion Tribe and the Spider Tribe, they lived in a cave where King Crominus and Queen Crunket of the Crocodile Tribe were trapped. But when the Chi ball ended up in his and the other Crawlers' cave, and he and the other Crawlers got a taste of Chi's power, it made him and the other Crawlers bigger, stronger, and smarter, and he and the other Crawlers began to crave more Chi. King Crominus told him and the other Crawlers that Mount Cavora was the source of Chi, and he and the Crawlers took Crominus and Crunket to the surface, after which he and the other Crawlers began capturing the Legend Beasts and taking all the Chi orbs from Mount Cavora.
Season 2[]
After Braptor and the other bats blocked the Chi Falls with the members of the Spider Tribe, he and the other bats began to take Chi from Mount Cavora to the formation of the Black Cloud. But when Chima's eight heroes set out to stop him and the other Crawlers and rescue the other seven captured Legend Beasts, they battled him and the other Crawlers and freed the Legend Beasts one by one. But when he and his tribe joined forces with the scorpions and spiders, they waited for Chima's heroes in the Scorpion Cave, where he and the other Reptiles brought the last two Legends Beasts captive, Chima's heroes attacked the Scorpion Cave, defeated him and the other Reptiles, and rescued the last two Legend Beasts, which after that, he and his tribe were trapped in the Scorpion Cave with scorpions and spiders.
Season 3[]
After the defeat, when the Ice Hunters awoke from their sleep of millennia, Braptor and the other bats, scorpions and spiders were frozen by them and then into Sir Fangar's trophy room. But when Laval, Cragger, and Eris came with Flinx and Tormak to rescue Li'Ella and the other Ice Hunter prisoners, Flinx melted her and the other Crawlers out of the ice, along with the rest of Chima's inhabitants, after which Crominus, Crunket, and Lagravis began to unleash aggression with him and the other Crawlers. And then when Flinx started melting the floor of Sir Fangar's prize room, he and the other bats, scorpions and spiders fell, but as they fell, he and the other bats flew away, and the spider queen Spinlyn saved the spiders and scorpions.